共 29 个单词
英语等级考试教材第四级-pets4相关的的单词有【commission charge】【repairer】【programable】【newly-weds】【grind on】【kinesics】【furrier】【be located in】【connect to】【open an account】【hemi】【impact on】【standoffish】【leave for】【commit suicide】【miniaturization】【have an effect on】【on a regular basis】【take account of】【be familiar with】【rob of】【come to power】【in conjunction with】【cuneiform】【checking account】【devote oneself to】【be worth doing】【differ from】【invest in】等。
repairern.修理工人,修补者; 变形 复数:repairers 英英释义 repairer[ ri'pr ]n.a skilled worker who mends or repairs thin...
详细解释furriern.皮货商,毛皮裁缝; 变形 复数:furriers 英英释义 furrier[ 'f:ri ]n.someone whose occupation is making or repairi...
详细解释standoffishadj.冷淡的,冷漠的;英英释义 standoffish[ stnd'fi, -:f ]adj.lacking cordiality; unfriendly"a standoffish mann...
详细解释miniaturizationn.小型化;缩形技术;英英释义 miniaturization[ ,minitrai'zein, -ri'z- ]n.act of making on a greatly reduce...
详细解释on a regular basis释义经常;例行的;有规律的;英英释义 on a regular basis adv.in a regular manner同义词:regularly
详细解释cuneiformadj.楔形的,楔状骨的,楔形文字的;n.楔形文字,楔状骨;英英释义 cuneiform[ 'kju:niif:m ]n.an ancient wedge-shape...
详细解释checking accountn.经常账户; 变形 复数:checking accounts 英英释义 checking account n.a bank account against which the d...