共 22 个单词
英语新世纪版高中一年级第一学期相关的的单词有【can't help but do something】【change for the better】【people of all ages】【in the depths of】【on the right track】【file cabinet】【gain entry to】【keep someone company】【feel close to someone】【in sharp contrast】【commit crimes】【keep something in order】【draw near】【top secret】【lay the foundation for】【launch into】【elevated railway】【smell out】【bring to justice】【family reunion】【all walks of life】【a big deal】等。
on the right track释义想法对;英英释义 On the Right TrackOn the Right Track is a 1981 comedy film that was the first fea...
详细解释file cabinet释义文卷柜,档案柜;英英释义 file cabinet n.office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in...
详细解释draw near释义靠近,临近;即将来临;傍;英英释义 draw near v.move towards同义词:approachnearcome ongo updraw closecome n...
详细解释top secretadj.绝对机密的,最高机密的;英英释义 top secret adj.the highest official level of classification of documents同...
详细解释elevated railwayn.高架铁道;英英释义 elevated railway n.a railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a trac...
详细解释smell out释义嗅出;发现;英英释义 smell out v.recognize or detect by or as if by smelling同义词:sniff outscent outnose ...
详细解释family reunion释义合家团圆;英英释义 Family ReunionFamily Reunion is a 1975 album by American R&B group The O'Jays.以上来...