共 24 个单词
英语新世纪版六年级第二学期相关的的单词有【waist bend】【quiz show】【elevated highway】【eyes front】【leg lift】【left hand】【science fiction film】【Washington, D.C.】【English Evening】【space museum】【within walking distance】【warm up exercise】【T junction】【call someone back】【roller skate】【give a talk】【take a message】【divided by】【stay in】【push up】【jumping jack】【summer camp】【means of transport】【light rail】等。
left handn.左手;左侧;英英释义 left hand n.the hand that is on the left side of the body同义词:leftadj.intended for th...
详细解释science fiction film释义科幻片;英英释义 Science fiction filmScience fiction film is a film genre that uses science fict...
详细解释space museum释义太空博物馆;英英释义 Space MuseumSpace Museum was a science fiction comics series published by National ...
详细解释T junction释义t 形接合器t接头;英英释义 T junction n.a junction where two roads or pipes etc. meet to form a T同义词:T-...
详细解释roller skaten.四轮滑冰鞋;英英释义 roller skate n.a shoe with pairs of rollers fixed to the solev.travel on shoes with s...
详细解释push up释义推上去,增高,提高;顶;英英释义 push up n.an arm exercise performed lying face to the floor and pushing the ...
详细解释jumping jack释义跳爆竹;英英释义 jumping jack n.plaything consisting of a toy figure with movable joints that can be mad...
详细解释summer campn.夏令营; 变形 复数:summer camps 英英释义 summer camp n.a site where care and activities are provided for c...
详细解释light rail释义轻轨;英英释义 Light railLight rail or light rail transit (LRT) is typically an urban form of public trans...