共 93 个单词
英皇考级乐理学习手册演奏指示相关的的单词有【tres】【fortepiano】【mano】【senza】【largamente】【rif】【moto】【douce】【assai】【veloce】【rallentando】【meno】【giocoso】【attacca】【da capo】【sforzato】【stringendo】【rubato】【calando】【brio】【mezzo forte】【ossia】【ad libitum】【volta】【animato】【scherzando】【suss】【triste】【anime】【mit】【segue】【sans】【et】【anima】【Une】【al】【pizzicato】【pianissimo】【andante】【a cappella】等。
tresadj.(处方用语)三;英英释义 TresTres is a collection of poems by the Chilean author Roberto Bolao, originally publi...
详细解释fortepianon.(18世纪末流行的)钢琴;英英释义 FortepianoThe expression fortepiano (sometimes called forte piano) is a sudde...
详细解释manon.(墨西哥人、印第安人等磨谷物手磨的)上磨石;英英释义 ManoMano (Spanish:hand) is a ground stone tool used with a me...
详细解释rifvt.裁减(雇员);n.因经济理由而裁减(雇员);英英释义 RifRif is a small (~21 kDa) signaling G protein (more specifica...
详细解释moton.摩托车越野赛预赛;运动;进行;速度英英释义 MotoMoto is a molecular gastronomy restaurant in the Fulton River Distr...
详细解释veloceadj.& adv.快速的(地);英英释义 VeloceVeloce is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上来源于:Wik...
详细解释rallentandoadv.逐渐缓慢地;adj.逐渐缓慢的;英英释义 rallentando[ ,rlen'tndu ]adj.gradually decreasing in tempo同义词:ri...
详细解释menoadv.更少,较少;英英释义 MenoMeno (c. 423-400 BC, Greek: M, also transliterated as Menon), son of Alexidemus, was an...
详细解释rubatoadj.随意将音符长度增减的;节奏自由的;n.弹性速度; 变形 复数:rubatos 英英释义 rubato[ ru'b:tu, ru:- ]n.a flexible...
详细解释calandoadv.& adj.减小音量(的);英英释义 calando[ k'lndu ]adj.gradually decreasing in tempo and volume
详细解释brion.元气充沛,生动;英英释义 brio[ 'bri:u ]n.quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous同义词:animatio...
详细解释ossiaconj.或,或者;英英释义 Ossiais a musical term for an alternative passage which may be played instead of the origin...
详细解释ad libitumadv.随意;英英释义 ad libitum [ d'libitm ]adv.without advance preparation同义词:ad libspontaneouslyimpromptu
详细解释voltan.回,次; 变形 复数:volte 英英释义 volta[ 'vlt ]n.Italian physicist after whom the volt is named; studied electri...
详细解释animen.[影视](日本)动漫,动漫电影,动画片;硬树脂;英英释义 anime[ 'ni:m, :'ni:mi: ]n.a hard copal derived from an Afr...
详细解释sansprep.无,没有;英英释义 SanSan (Serbian Cyrillic: , trans. Dream) was a former Yugoslav rock band from Belgrade.以上...
详细解释animan.内心;灵魂;灵气;(男性的)女性特征 变形 复数:animae 英英释义 anima[ 'nim ]n.(Jungian psychology) the inner sel...
详细解释Uneabbr.Ununennium 第119号元素;英英释义 UneLocation of the town and municipality of Une in [[Cundinamarca Department.]]...
详细解释pizzicaton.拨奏曲,用指弹的乐曲;adj.指弹的; 变形 复数:pizzicatos 英英释义 pizzicato[ ,pitsi'k:tu ]n.a note or passage...
详细解释pianissimoadv.极弱地;n.乐曲中以最弱音演奏之一节或一个乐章; 变形 复数:pianissimos 英英释义 pianissimo[ ,pj'nisimu ]n.(...
详细解释andanten.行板,缓慢的曲子;adj.& adv.缓慢的[地]; 变形 复数:andantes 英英释义 andante[ n'dnti ]n.a moderately slow temp...
详细解释a cappella释义(音乐术语)无伴奏合唱;英英释义 a cappella [ ,:k'pel ]adj.without musical accompanimentadv.without musica...