共 91 个单词
perceptronn.感知器(模拟人类视神经控制系统的图形识别机);英英释义 PerceptronIn computational geometry, the perceptron i...
详细解释dagn.悬片[端];英英释义 dag[ d ]n.10 grams同义词:dekagramdecagramdkga flap along the edge of a garment; used in medieva...
详细解释classifiern.分类者,分类器;英英释义 classifier[ 'klsifai ]n.a person who creates classificationsa word or morpheme used...
详细解释bayesian释义(教)贝叶斯定理的,贝叶斯判决规则的;英英释义 bayesian[ 'beizin ]adj.of or relating to statistical methods ...
详细解释feedforwardn.前馈;英英释义 FeedforwardFeed forward is a management and communication term, which refers to giving a con...
详细解释bilinearadj.双线性的;英英释义 bilinear[ bai'lini ]adj.linear with respect to each of two variables or positions
详细解释antiderivativen.不定积分;原函数;英英释义 AntiderivativeIn complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, the antiderivativ...
详细解释discriminatorn.辨别者,鉴别器;英英释义 DiscriminatorDiscriminator is a typed tag field present in OMG IDL (OMG IDG) dis...
详细解释discriminativeadj.有判别力;英英释义 discriminative[ dis'krimintiv ]adj.capable of making fine distinctions同义词:discr...
详细解释geodesicadj.测地学的,测地线的,测量的;n.测地线;英英释义 geodesic[ ,di(:)u'desik ]n.(mathematics) the shortest line ...
详细解释viscoelasticityn.黏弹性;英英释义 ViscoelasticityViscoelasticity is the property of materials that exhibit both viscous ...
详细解释nnabbr.nerves (复数)神经;names 姓名;nouns 名词;nomen novum (Latin=new name) (拉丁语)新名英英释义 Nnnn ("No News i...
详细解释autocorrelationn.自相关;英英释义 AutocorrelationA plot showing 100 random numbers with a "hidden"[[sine function, and a...
详细解释nonvolatileadj.(尤指物质)非挥发性的,不挥发的;英英释义 nonvolatile[ nn'vltail ]adj.not volatilizing readily"a nonvola...
详细解释granularityn.间隔尺寸,粒度;英英释义 granularity[ ,grnju'lriti ]n.the quality of being composed of relatively large par...
详细解释hyperplanen.超平面;英英释义 HyperplaneIn geometry, a hyperplane is a generalization of the two-dimensional plane into a...
详细解释variaten.变量;变数;变元;随机变量英英释义 variate[ 'vriit ]n.a variable quantity that is random同义词:random variable...
详细解释dimensionalityn.幅员,广延,维度;度数;英英释义 dimensionality[ di,men'nlti, dai- ]n.the spatial property of having dim...
详细解释tabulationn.作表,表格;表列结果;列表;造表英英释义 tabulation[ ,tbju'lein ]n.information set out in tabular form同义词...
详细解释baggingn.装袋,制袋材料;v.砍,劈( hag的现在分词 );英英释义 bagging[ 'bi ]n.coarse fabric used for bags or sacks同义词:...
详细解释projectiveadj.与投影有关的;投影的;(图像的性能)不因投影而变化的;投射的英英释义 ProjectiveProjective may refer to以上...
详细解释dendrogramn.系统树图(一种表示亲缘关系的树状图解);英英释义 DendrogramA dendrogram (from Greek dendron "tree"and gramma...
详细解释terabyten.兆兆字节(信息量度单位,=2#[40]字节);英英释义 terabyte[ 'terbait ]n.a unit of information equal to a trillio...
详细解释concurrencyn.并发(性);英英释义 concurrency[ kn'krnsi ]n.agreement of results or opinions同义词:concurrenceacting tog...
详细解释convexityn.凸状,凸面; 变形 复数:convexities 英英释义 convexity[ kn'veksiti ]n.the property possessed by a convex shap...
详细解释minimizationn.最小限度,最低额,轻视;化为最小值;求最小值;极小化英英释义 minimization[ ,minimai'zein, -mi'z- ]n.the ac...
详细解释turingn.图灵机(一种可不受储存容量限制的假想计算机);英英释义 turing[ 'tjuri ]n.English mathematician who conceived of ...
详细解释differentiableadj.可辨的,可区分的,可微的;英英释义 differentiable[ ,dif'renib ]adj.possessing a differential coefficie...
详细解释quantizevt.使量子化; 变形 过去式:quantized过去分词:quantized现在分词:quantizing第三人称单数:quantizes 英英释义 quan...