共 32 个单词
考研英语一历年真题词汇精选相关的的单词有【point-and-click】【conscious of】【one-shot】【wear-and-tear】【supersystem】【drawn up】【dreamt up】【rise from】【overburdened】【worst of all】【joke about】【fruit-fly】【non-standard】【not long ago】【but also】【it seems】【lead in】【smeller】【a type of】【turn about】【sign-up】【real-estate】【sight-seeing】【enlisted】【public-sector】【in response】【peculiar to】【in case that】【for the time】【mutual-fund】【taking advantage of】【confronted with】等。
point-and-clickadj.即点即到的,点选式的,点击式的;英英释义 Point and clickPoint and click are the actions of a computer...
详细解释one-shotadj.只有一次的;n.绝无仅有的事物,一次性的事物(美式英语);英英释义 one-shot[ 'wn't ]n.a charge of ammunition f...
详细解释wear-and-tear释义磨损;英英释义 wear-and-tearn.decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use同义词:depreciat...
详细解释supersystemn.(由各系统组成的)超系统,超级体系;英英释义 SupersystemSupersystem was a band from Washington, D.C.以上来源...
详细解释overburdenedv.装载过多,负担过多,使过劳( overburden的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 overburdened[ ,uv'b:dnd ]adj.heavily ...
详细解释fruit-flyun.果蝇 英英释义 fruit-flyn.any of numerous small insects whose larvae feed on fruits同义词:fruit flypomace fl...
详细解释non-standardadj.不标准的,不规范的(词、发音);英英释义 non-standardadj.not conforming to the language usage of a prest...
详细解释lead in释义引导入内;英英释义 lead in n.the introductory section of a story同义词:leadlead-inledewire connecting an ant...
详细解释turn about释义(使)转过身来;反复思考;掉头;扭转英英释义 turn about n.a decision to reverse an earlier decision同义词:...
详细解释sign-upn.注册; 签约;英英释义 sign-up[ 'sin,p ]v.engage by written agreement同义词:signcontractsign onsign upjoin a clu...
详细解释real-estateadj. 不动产的 英英释义 real-estate[ 'rili,steit, 'ri:l- ]n.property consisting of houses and land同义词:real...
详细解释sight-seeingn.参观,消遣;adj.观光的,旅游的;英英释义 sight-seeing[ 'sait ,si:i ]n.going about to look at places of int...
详细解释public-sectorun.公营部门;公共区网络公务员 英英释义 Public sectorThe public sector refers to the part of the economy con...
详细解释mutual-fundna.合股投资(公司)网络共同基金;互惠基金 英英释义 mutual-fundn.a regulated investment company with a pool of a...