共 116 个单词
考研翻译完形词汇短语相关的的单词有【scramble for】【seize upon】【catch on to】【shoot a line】【a walk of life】【pay heed to】【chequered】【pension off】【pent up】【deck out】【make allowance for】【close about】【be of the essence】【be referred to】【be shorn of】【rallying cry】【pit against】【sponge on】【compress into】【fence with】【edge on】【dig at】【fix for】【vest in】【sweat over】【sweep across】【for dear life】【jar with】【kick oneself】【explode into】【goings-on】【grope for】【at one's own risk】【jazz up】【swash】【crow over】【concur with】【beyond the pale】【squirrel away】【level with】等。
shoot a linev.吹牛;英英释义 shoot a line v.show off同义词:boasttoutswashbraggasblowblustervauntgasconade
详细解释chequeredadj.好运和恶运交替的;英英释义 chequered[ 'tekd ]adj.patterned with alternating squares of color同义词:checked...
详细解释pension off释义发养老金使退休;不再使用;英英释义 pension off v.let go from employment with an attractive pensiongrant a...
详细解释pent up释义抑制;幽禁;英英释义 pent up adj.characterized by or showing the suppression of impulses or emotions同义词:p...
详细解释deck out释义妆饰;打扮;装扮;英英释义 deck out v.put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive...
详细解释rallying cryn.战斗口号; 变形 复数:rallying cries 英英释义 rallying cry n.a slogan used to rally support for a cause同义...
详细解释for dear life释义为了逃命,拼命地,不顾死活地;英英释义 for dear life adv.as though your life was at stake
详细解释beyond the pale释义在…范围之外;英英释义 Beyond the PaleBeyond the Pale is a weekly radio program broadcast on WBAI New...
详细解释squirrel away英英释义 squirrel away v.save up as for future use同义词:hoardstashcachelay awayhive up