共 94 个单词
老友记-Friends-Season-1相关的的单词有【jillion】【outstay】【swirly】【scrunchy】【sorta】【rip out】【run by】【doobie】【tater】【gaze out】【barge in】【ball up】【assort】【smirky】【betcha】【hairpiece】【jockstrap】【wolverine】【yawning】【chest of drawers】【bonehead】【intrigued】【heimlich】【go out with】【pick off】【sonogram】【perturbed】【touristy】【musketeer】【looter】【mortified】【whipped cream】【over time】【act out】【in reverse】【head off】【ballon】【fawning】【steer clear of】【cheap shot】等。
jillionn.巨量;adj.很多的,大量的; 变形 复数:jillionjillions 英英释义 jillion[ 'diljn ]n.a very large indefinite numbe...
详细解释sortaadv.近似,有几分,可以说是;英英释义 SortaSorta is a rock band based in Dallas, Texas. The band has been honored wi...
详细解释tatern.马铃薯,土豆;英英释义 tater[ 'teit ]n.an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland同义词:p...
详细解释barge inv.闯入,干涉;英英释义 barge in v.enter uninvited; informal同义词:crashgate-crashbreak into a conversation同义词...
详细解释ball up释义滚成球;英英释义 ball up n.something badly botched or muddled同义词:ballupballs-upcockupmess-upv.make a mess...
详细解释hairpiecen.假发,假眉毛; 变形 复数:hairpieces 英英释义 hairpiece[ 'hpi:s ]n.a covering or bunch of human or artificial...
详细解释jockstrapn.护身三角绷带; 变形 复数:jockstraps 英英释义 jockstrap[ 'dkstrp ]n.a support for the genitals worn by men en...
详细解释wolverinen.狼獾,豹熊,狼獾皮;熊貂;英英释义 wolverine[ 'wulvri:n, ,wulv'ri:n ]n.a native or resident of Michigan同义词...
详细解释yawningn.打呵欠;adj.张着大嘴的,打哈欠的;v.打呵欠( yawn的现在分词 );张开,裂开;英英释义 yawning[ 'j:ni ]n.an involun...
详细解释chest of drawersn.五斗柜,衣柜; 变形 复数:chests of drawers 英英释义 chest of drawers n.furniture with drawers for kee...
详细解释boneheadn.傻瓜,笨蛋;英英释义 bonehead[ 'bunhed ]n.these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intellige...
详细解释pick off释义摘去;逐个毁掉,瞄准射死;英英释义 pick off n.a baseball play in which a base runner is caught off base and ...
详细解释sonogramn.语图;英英释义 sonogram[ 'sunrm, 's- ]n.an image of a structure that is produced by ultrasonography (reflectio...
详细解释perturbedadj.烦燥不安的;v.使(某人)烦恼,不安( perturb的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 perturbedadj.thrown into a state ...
详细解释touristyadj.适宜游览的,适合观光的,旅游者常去的;英英释义 touristy[ 'turisti ]adj.visited by throngs of tourists"touris...
详细解释lootern.掠夺者,抢劫者;强夺者; 变形 复数:looters 英英释义 looter[ 'lu:t ]n.someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in...
详细解释whipped creamn.生奶油;英英释义 whipped cream n.cream that has been beaten until light and fluffy
详细解释over time释义随着时间的过去;英英释义 over time n.work done in addition to regular working hours同义词:overtimeplaying ...
详细解释act out释义演出;表演;实行;实现英英释义 act out v.represent an incident, state, or emotion by action, especially on st...
详细解释head off释义使改变方向, 阻挡[拦截](某人);防止…发生;英英释义 head off v.prevent the occurrence of; prevent from hap...
详细解释ballonn.轻快优雅;气圈;英英释义 BallonBallon is the appearance of being lightweight and light-footed while jumping. It ...
详细解释cheap shotn.恶意中伤,恶意攻讦;暗算; 变形 复数:cheap shots 英英释义 cheap shot n.an unnecessarily aggressive and unfa...