共 94 个单词
老友记-Friends-Season-1相关的的单词有【take abuse】【De-caff】【make a pass】【racker】【reach down】【pipe organ】【spit on】【tie around】【laugh out】【lick off】【go out to】【drift apart】【went for】【out of sorts】【cushion the blow】【found on】【buzz in】【saltine】【rip apart】【maid of honour】【Limoges】【projective】【shiatsu】【lasagne】【crudites】【piqued】【icky】【alp】【in labor】【stegosaurus】【breakfront】【step on】【capuche】【mirable】【Newark】【loaner】【dol】【creep out】【nutsy】【drool over】等。
rackern.行拷刑者,使人痛苦者;装弹簧工;英英释义 rackern.an attendant who puts pool or billiard balls into a rack
详细解释pipe organn.管风琴;英英释义 pipe organ n.wind instrument whose sound is produced by means of pipes arranged in sets sup...
详细解释drift apart释义(两者)漂移,疏远;英英释义 drift apart v.lose personal contact over time同义词:drift away
详细解释saltinen.撒盐饼干; 变形 复数:saltines 英英释义 saltine[ s:l'ti:n ]n.a cracker sprinkled with salt before baking
详细解释maid of honour释义(女王、王后或公主的)未婚侍女; 首席女傧相;宫女; 变形 复数:maids of honour 英英释义 Maid of honour...
详细解释Limogesn.法国中部Limoges地方产的瓷器;英英释义 LimogesLimoges (, Lemtges or Limtges in the Limousin dialect of Occitan) ...
详细解释projectiveadj.与投影有关的;投影的;(图像的性能)不因投影而变化的;投射的英英释义 ProjectiveProjective may refer to以上...
详细解释shiatsun.指压,指压按摩疗法;英英释义 shiatsu[ i:':tsu: ]n.treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers t...
详细解释lasagnen. 烤宽面条;意式宽面 英英释义 lasagne[ l'znj ]n.baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta with sauce and cheese and ...
详细解释cruditesn.蔬菜色拉;英英释义 cruditesn.raw vegetables cut into bite-sized strips and served with a dip
详细解释piquedv.伤害…的自尊心( pique的过去式和过去分词 );激起(好奇心);英英释义 pique[ pi:kt ]n.tightly woven fabric with ra...
详细解释ickyadj.黏得讨厌的,过分甜的,讨厌的;n.令人作呕的人;英英释义 icky[ 'iki ]adj.very bad同义词:crappylousyrottenshittyst...
详细解释stegosaurusn.剑龙;英英释义 stegosaurus[ ,ste's:rs ]n.herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur with a row of bony plates along...
详细解释Newark释义[人名] 纽瓦克;[地名] [美国、南非共和国、英国] 纽瓦克;英英释义 Newark[ 'nju:k ]n.the largest city in New Jers...
详细解释loanern.债权人,代替品;英英释义 loaner[ 'lun ]n.someone who lends money or gives credit in business matters同义词:lend...
详细解释doln.田野;痛单位;英英释义 dol[ dl ]n.a unit of pain intensitythe federal department responsible for promoting the work...