共 32 个单词
美国英语初级上册相关的的单词有【parents】【I see.】【Older brother】【only a few】【one...the other...】【during the day】【at that moment】【younger sister】【younger brother】【just before】【glasses】【as poor as a church mouse】【learn a lesson】【be oneself】【Money talks.】【in town】【manners】【free style】【on land】【be friendly with】【wedding party】【strongest】【The Wangs】【medical school】【remember to】【on the beach】【words】【Practice makes perfect.】【family business】【harder】【accidentally】【eagerly】等。
parentsn.双亲( parent的名词复数 );英英释义 parent[ [prnts] ]n.a father or mother; one who begets or one who gives bir...
详细解释younger brother释义兄弟;弟;小弟;棣;英英释义 Younger BrotherYounger Brother is a music group.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释glassesn.眼镜;双筒望远镜;玻璃( glass的名词复数 );玻璃杯玻璃器皿;眼镜;英英释义 glasses[ 'gl:siz ]n.optical instrumen...
详细解释in town释义在城里,在伦敦;英英释义 In TownIn Town is a musical comedy written by Adrian Ross and James T. Tanner, with ...
详细解释mannersn.礼貌;方式( manner的名词复数 );礼貌;规矩态度;英英释义 manners[ 'mnz ]n.social deportment"he has the manners ...
详细解释free stylen.自由式;英英释义 free style n.a race (as in swimming) in which each contestant has a free choice of the styl...
详细解释on land释义旱;英英释义 on land adv.towards the shore from the water同义词:ashoretoward landonto land
详细解释medical school释义[医]医学院,医学专科学院;英英释义 medical school n.a graduate school offering study leading to a medi...
详细解释on the beach释义在海滩上;上岸;失业;处于困境英英释义 On the Beach"On the Beach"is the 178th episode of the NBC drama s...
详细解释wordsn.字( word的名词复数 );(说的)话;诺言;口令英英释义 words[ w:dz ]n.the words that are spoken"I listened to his w...
详细解释family business释义家族企业;英英释义 family business n.a corporation that is entirely owned by the members of a single ...
详细解释harderadj.更困难的;更坚固的;更硬的;adv.更努力地;英英释义 HarderHarder is a surname. Notable people with the surname ...
详细解释accidentallyadv.偶然地,意外地,非故意地;英英释义 accidentally[ ,ksi'dentli ]adv.without advance planning"they met acci...