共 187 个单词
美国旅游常用单词相关的的单词有【international airport】【double room】【boarding pass】【valuables】【customs】【airport terminal】【service charge】【tennis court】【restroom】【mileage】【reconfirm】【customs duty】【seat belt】【traffic lights】【time difference】【truthful】【first class】【yen】【occupied】【under construction】【recline】【departure lounge】【parking lot】【gas station】【Fahrenheit】【go down】【sightseeing】【safety belt】【gymnasium】【gratuity】【hundredth】【spell out】【thirtieth】【get through】【get on】【July】【February】【Monday】【December】【October】等。
international airport释义国际机场;英英释义 International airportAerial photograph of [[George Bush Intercontinental Air...
详细解释double roomn.双人房;双人房间;英英释义 Double RoomDouble Room was a bi-annual Web-based literary publication founded in...
详细解释boarding passn.登机证;英英释义 boarding pass n.a pass that allows you to board a ship or plane同义词:boarding card
详细解释valuablesn.贵重物品;财宝(valuable的名词复数);珍;英英释义 valuable[ 'vljublz ]n.something of value"all our valuables w...
详细解释customsn.关税;海关;习惯( custom的名词复数);海关adj.定做的;专做定货的;英英释义 customs[ 'kstmz ]n.money collected un...
详细解释airport terminal释义机场候机楼;英英释义 airport terminal n.a terminal that serves air travelers or air freight同义词:a...
详细解释service chargen.服务费; 变形 复数:service charges 英英释义 service charge n.a percentage of a bill (as at a hotel or r...
详细解释restroomn.公用厕所,盥洗室,卫生间;英英释义 restroomn.a toilet that is available to the public同义词:public toiletcomf...
详细解释reconfirmvt.重新确认,使更巩固,重新批准; 变形 过去式:reconfirmed过去分词:reconfirmed现在分词:reconfirming第三人称单...
详细解释customs duty释义关税;英英释义 customs duty n.money collected under a tariff同义词:customscustomimpost
详细解释seat beltn.座位安全带;座椅固定带; 变形 复数:seat belts 英英释义 seat belt n.a safety belt used in a car or plane to h...
详细解释traffic lightsn.红绿灯;红绿灯( traffic light的名词复数 );英英释义 traffic light n.a visual signal to control the flow ...
详细解释truthfuladj.说实话的,真实的;诚实的,老实的;英英释义 truthful[ 'tru:ful ]adj.expressing or given to expressing the tru...
详细解释first classn.第一堂课;头等舱;头路;英英释义 first class n.the highest rank in a classificationmail that includes lette...
详细解释yenn.日元;渴望,热望;vi.渴望; 变形 复数:yen 英英释义 yen[ jen ]n.a yearning for something or to do something同义词:...
详细解释under construction释义(正在)修建中;英英释义 Under ConstructionUnder Construction was the first of two box sets of the...
详细解释departure loungen.候机室;启程处; 变形 复数:departure lounges 英英释义 departure lounge n.lounge where passengers can ...
详细解释parking lotn.停车场; 变形 复数:parking lots 英英释义 parking lot n.a lot where cars are parked同义词:car parkparkpark...
详细解释gas stationna.加油站; 变形 复数:gas stations 英英释义 gas station n.a service station that sells gasoline同义词:gasol...
详细解释Fahrenheitadj.华氏温度计的;华氏的;n.飞轮海;英英释义 Fahrenheit[ 'frhait ]n.German physicist who invented the mercury ...
详细解释go down释义停止;被接受;沉下;被打败英英释义 go down n.a warehouse in the East同义词:godownv.move downward and lower, ...
详细解释sightseeingn.观光,游览; 双语释义n.(名词)[U] 观光,游览 visiting the sights of a place as a tourist 英英释义 sightseeing...
详细解释safety beltn.安全带; 变形 复数:safety belts 英英释义 safety belt n.belt attaching you to some object as a restraint in...
详细解释gymnasiumn.健身房,体育馆;大学预科,高级中学; 变形 复数:gymnasiagymnasiums 英英释义 gymnasium[ dim'neizim ]n.a school...
详细解释gratuityn.报酬;小账;小费;养老金 变形 复数:gratuities 英英释义 gratuity[ r'tju:ti ]n.a relatively small amount of mon...
详细解释hundredthnum.第100个;百分之一;第一百号;第一百个adj.第一百的;第一百个的; 变形 复数:hundredths 英英释义 hundredth[ '...
详细解释spell out释义拼出,读出;阐明;英英释义 spell out v.make explicit; specify in detailspell fully and without abbreviating...
详细解释thirtiethn.第三十;三十分之一;adj.第三十个的;三十分之一的; 变形 复数:thirtieths 英英释义 thirtieth[ ':tii ]n.positio...
详细解释get through释义完成;读完;穿过;用完英英释义 get through v.finish a task completely同义词:wrap upfinish offmop uppolis...
详细解释get on释义进行;变老;上车;对付英英释义 get on v.have smooth relations同义词:get along withget on withget alongget on ...
详细解释Julyn.七月; 变形 复数:Julys 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]七月 the seventh month of the year, between June and August 英英释义...
详细解释Februaryn.二月; 变形 复数:Februaries 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]二月 the second month of the year, next after January 英英释...
详细解释Mondayn.星期一;周一; 变形 复数:Mondays 双语释义n.(名词)[C][U]星期一 the second day of the week 英英释义 Monday[ 'mndi...
详细解释Decembern.12月; 变形 复数:Decembers 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]12月 the twelfth and last month of the year, between Novembe...