共 4488 个单词
scanningv.扫描;英英释义 scanning[ 'skni ]n.the process of translating photographs into a digital form that can be recog...
详细解释second-classadj.第二流的;次要的;第二地位的;二类邮件的adv.二类地;乘二等车地;坐二等舱地;英英释义 second-class[ 'sekn...
详细解释self-determinationn.自己决定;民族自决;[哲](强调意志自由的)自我决定;英英释义 self-determination[ 'selfdi't:mi'nein ]...
详细解释self-helpn.自助,自立;自救行为;英英释义 self-help[ 'self'help ]n.the act of helping or improving yourself without rely...
详细解释self-efficacy释义自我效能;英英释义 Self-EfficacySelf-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control is a book on scientific psycholo...
详细解释self-proclaimedadj.自称的;英英释义 Self-proclaimedSelf proclaimed or soi-disant describes a legal title that is only re...
详细解释self-taughtadj.独学的,自修的;无师自通;英英释义 Self TaughtSelf Taught is a Canadian hip-hop group formed in 2002 in V...
详细解释canolan.加拿大油菜;英英释义 CanolaIn Irish mythology, Canola was the mythical inventor of the harp. After having an arg...
详细解释caseworkern.社会工作者; 变形 复数:caseworkers 英英释义 caseworker[ 'keisw:k ]n.someone employed to provide social serv...
详细解释carpetingn.地毯;地毯织料;训斥;英英释义 carpeting[ 'ka:piti ]n.floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fab...
详细解释shellingn.去壳,去皮;皮磨;拾贝壳; 变形 复数:shellings 英英释义 shelling[ 'eli ]n.the heavy fire of artillery to satu...
详细解释panamanianadj.巴拿马的;n.巴拿马人;英英释义 panamanian[ ,pn'meinjn ]n.a native or inhabitant of Panamaadj.of or relatin...
详细解释panelingn.(总称)嵌板;镶板;嵌板板材;嵌板细工英英释义 paneling[ 'pnli ]n.a panel or section of panels in a wall or do...
详细解释sidingn.铁路的侧线,旁轨; 变形 复数:sidings 英英释义 siding[ 'saidi ]n.a short stretch of railroad track used to store...
详细解释Passovern.逾越节,逾越节祭神的羔羊;英英释义 Passover[ 'p:s,uv ]n.(Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days from...
详细解释passern.过路人;使通过者; 变形 复数:passers 英英释义 passer[ 'p:s, 'ps- ]n.a person who passes by casually or by chanc...
详细解释Siouxadj.苏人的,苏语的;n.苏族(印第安人的一族, 自称达科他Dakota族);英英释义 Sioux[ su: ]n.a member of a group of No...
详细解释patternedadj.有图案的;组成图案的;v.模仿;以图案装饰;复写;使形成英英释义 patterned[ 'ptnd ]adj.having patterns (espec...
详细解释Chechen释义车臣;车臣份子;英英释义 Chechen[ t'ten ]n.a native or inhabitant of Chechnyaa northern Caucasian language sp...
详细解释chin.希腊字母的第 22字; 变形 复数:chis 英英释义 chi[ kai ]n.the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is ...
详细解释baby-sitvi.当临时保姆; 变形 过去式:baby-sat过去分词:baby-sat现在分词:baby-sitting第三人称单数:baby-sits 英英释义 ba...
详细解释Slavicadj.& n.斯拉夫人的,斯拉夫语的,斯拉夫语言;英英释义 Slavic[ 'sl:vik; 'sl- ]n.a branch of the Indo-European family...
详细解释perfectionismn.十全十美主义,至善论;英英释义 perfectionism[ p'fekniz:m ]n.a disposition to feel that anything less than...
详细解释perestroikan.(苏联经济与政治体制的)改革;调整;政治经济重建的;英英释义 perestroika[ ,pers'trik ]n.an economic policy ...
详细解释Christmastimen.圣诞节期;英英释义 Christmastime[ 'krismstaim ]n.period extending from Dec. 24 to Jan. 6同义词:Christmas...
详细解释ballplayern.棒球手; 变形 复数:ballplayers 英英释义 ballplayer[ 'b:l,plei ]n.an athlete who plays baseball同义词:baseb...
详细解释taiwaneseadj. 台湾的;台湾人的n. 台湾人[ 复数 Taiwanese ]英英释义 taiwanese[ 'taiw:'ni:z, -'ni:s ]n.a native or inhabita...
详细解释tamalen.(墨西哥的)玉米面团包馅卷; 变形 复数:tamales 英英释义 tamale[ t'm:li ]n.a city in northern Ghanacorn and corn...
详细解释Tamiln.泰米尔人;泰米尔语;adj.泰米尔人的,泰米尔语的;英英释义 Tamil[ 'tmil; 't- ]n.a member of the mixed Dravidian and...
详细解释slow-movingadj.动作缓慢的,滞销的;迟滞;英英释义 slow-moving[ 'slu'mu:vi ]adj.moving slowly"slow-moving cars"
详细解释smallmouthn.小口黑鲈;小嘴;英英释义 smallmouthn.a variety of black bass; the angle of the jaw falls below the eye同义词...
详细解释small-townadj.偏狭的,小都市的,土里土气的;小城镇;英英释义 small-town[ 'sm:l'taun ]n.a community of people smaller tha...
详细解释snowshoen.雪鞋;vi.穿雪鞋走路; 变形 复数:snowshoes过去式:snowshoed过去分词:snowshoed现在分词:snowshoeing第三人称单数...
详细解释mail-orderadj.邮购的;英英释义 mail-order[ ,meil':d ]n.a purchase negotiated by mail同义词:mail order