共 175 个单词
familiarizevt.使(某人)熟悉,使通晓; 变形 过去式:familiarized过去分词:familiarized现在分词:familiarizing第三人称单数...
详细解释ventilationn.空气流通;通风设备;通风方法;公开讨论英英释义 ventilation[ ,venti'lein ]n.the act of supplying fresh air a...
详细解释totemn.图腾;图腾形象;崇拜物; 变形 复数:totems 英英释义 totem[ 'tutm ]n.a clan or tribe identified by their kinship t...
详细解释pseudoadj.假的,虚伪的;n.[口]假冒的人,伪君子;英英释义 pseudo[ 'psju:du ]n.a person who makes deceitful pretenses同义词...
详细解释tsunamin.海啸; 变形 复数:tsunamis 英英释义 tsunami[ tsu'n:mi ]n.a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caus...
详细解释charismaticadj.有魅力的;神赐能力的;神授;英英释义 charismatic[ ,kriz'mtik ]adj.possessing an extraordinary ability to ...
详细解释bureaucraticadj.官僚的,官僚主义的,官僚作风的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)官僚的,官僚主义的,官僚作风的 of or like a bureauc...
详细解释EMTabbr.emergency medical technician 急诊医士;英英释义 EMTAS EMT is Estonia's and one of the largest Baltic's mobile op...
详细解释diplomaticadj.外交上的;外交人员的;有手腕的;策略的 双语释义adj.(形容词)外交上的,外交人员的 relating to diplomacy or di...
详细解释reprimandn.训斥;惩戒;谴责;vt.谴责;惩戒;责难; 变形 过去式:reprimanded过去分词:reprimanded现在分词:reprimanding第...
详细解释undeniableadj.不可否认的,无法抵赖的;无可争辩的;确实优秀的;无可疵议的英英释义 undeniable[ ,ndi'naibl ]adj.not possibl...
详细解释antibodyn.抗体; 变形 复数:antibodies 英英释义 antibody[ 'nti,bdi ]n.any of a large variety of proteins normally presen...
详细解释hardwaren.五金器具;计算机硬件;武器装备; 双语释义n.(名词)[U]五金器具 equipment and tools for the home and garden[U]硬件...
详细解释PRabbr.公共关系(public relations);性能要求(Performance Requirement);[化](=praseodymium)镨;英英释义 PR[ ,pi: 'a:(r) ]n...
详细解释pin.圆周率(); 变形 复数:pis 英英释义 pi[ 'kmpi: ]n.the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; approxi...
详细解释nulladj.零值的;等于零的;(协议) 无法律效力;失效的英英释义 null[ nl ]n.a quantity of no importance同义词:nothingniln...
详细解释catchphrasen.醒目的广告用语,(政治宣传中的)标语;英英释义 catchphrase[ 'ktfreiz ]n.a phrase that has become a catchwor...
详细解释decimaladj.十进位的,小数的;n.小数; 变形 复数:decimals 双语释义n.(名词)[C]小数 a number like .2, .48, .05, etcadj.(形...
详细解释snobbishadj.势利眼的;谄上傲下的;恃才傲物的;假充内行的英英释义 snobbish[ 'snbi ]adj.befitting or characteristic of tho...
详细解释burglarn.窃贼;破门盗窃者;夜盗; 变形 复数:burglars 双语释义n.(名词)[C]窃贼,入室盗窃者 a thief who illegally enters a...
详细解释vaccinen.疫苗,痘苗;adj.痘苗的,疫苗的; 变形 复数:vaccines 英英释义 vaccine[ 'vksi:n ]n.immunogen consisting of a sus...
详细解释flagshipn.旗舰;〈比喻〉最重要的一个;佼佼者; 变形 复数:flagships 英英释义 flagship[ 'flip ]n.the chief one of a relat...
详细解释predecessorn.前任,前辈;原有事物,前身;祖先; 变形 复数:predecessors 双语释义n.(名词)[C]前任,前辈 person who held an...
详细解释asteroidn.[天]小行星;海盘车;海星;adj.星状的; 变形 复数:asteroids 英英释义 asteroid[ 'strid ]n.any of numerous small...
详细解释accountabilityn.有责任,有义务,可说明性;会计责任;可计量性;责任制英英释义 accountability[ ,kaunt'bilti ]n.responsibil...
详细解释dazzlingadj.耀眼的,光彩夺目的;灿烂的;v.(使)眼花(dazzle的ing形式);英英释义 dazzling[ 'dzli ]adj.amazingly impressiv...
详细解释pervasiveadj.普遍的;扩大的;渗透的;弥漫的adv.无处不在地;遍布地;n.无处不在;遍布;英英释义 pervasiveadj.spreading or ...
详细解释propheticadj.预言的,先知的;先兆的;英英释义 prophetic[ pru'fetik ]adj.foretelling events as if by supernatural interve...