共 175 个单词
美剧基础词汇11修订版单词补丁相关的的单词有【fuel】【ballsy】【NCAA】【bench warmer】【joyride】【GPA】【nightcap】【garfield】【grift】【foreplay】【narc】【plainclothes】【van gogh】【unsubstantial】【schnapps】【APB】【stringer】【wuss】【MC】【pothead】【Decaf】【frosting】【eggnog】【cunt】【coleslaw】【pragmatist】【pecan】【enchanting】【KGB】【walkie-talkie】【warlock】【Hemingway】【tracker】【signage】【bipolar】【GPS】【Rollerblade】【queasy】【reconvene】【reparation】等。
joyriden.驾车游玩,兜风; 变形 复数:joyrides 英英释义 joyride[ 'diraid ]n.a ride in a car taken solely for pleasure"the...
详细解释GPAabbr.General Purpose Amplifier 通用放大器;英英释义 GPA[ ,di: pi: 'ei ]n.a measure of a student's academic achievemen...
详细解释nightcapn.睡帽,睡前饮料; 变形 复数:nightcaps 英英释义 nightcap[ 'naitkp ]n.an alcoholic drink taken at bedtime; often...
详细解释foreplayn.性交前的爱抚,前奏,前戏;英英释义 foreplay[ 'f:plei ]n.mutual sexual fondling prior to sexual intercourse同义...
详细解释narcn.缉查毒品的刑警;英英释义 narc[ n:k ]n.a lawman concerned with narcotics violations同义词:narknarcotics agent
详细解释van goghn.梵高(荷兰画家,1853-1890,著名作品有等);英英释义 van gogh n.Dutch Post-impressionist painter noted for his ...
详细解释unsubstantialadj.无实质的,不坚固的,薄弱的;英英释义 unsubstantial[ ,nsb'stnl ]adj.lacking material form or substance; ...
详细解释schnappsn.荷兰产杜松子酒,任何烈酒;英英释义 schnapps[ nps, n:ps ]n.any of various strong liquors especially a Dutch spi...
详细解释APBabbr.all points bulletin (警察局)向各方发出的通告,全境通告;英英释义 APBAPB was a Scottish post-punk band, formed ...
详细解释wussn.懦弱的人,无用的人; 变形 复数:wusses 英英释义 wuss[ wus, 'wusi ]n.a person who is physically weak and ineffectua...
详细解释MCabbr.Master of Ceremonies 节目主持人;member of Congress 国会议员; 变形 复数:MCs 英英释义 MC[ ,em 'si: ]n.one millio...
详细解释Decafn.脱咖啡因咖啡,无咖啡因咖啡; 变形 复数:decafs 英英释义 Decaf[ 'di:,kf ]n.coffee with the caffeine removed同义词:...
详细解释frostingn.霜状白糖,玻璃粉,无光泽面;结霜;起霜;镶饰英英释义 frosting[ 'frsti ]n.a flavored sugar topping used to coat...
详细解释eggnogn.(—杯)蛋奶酒;蛋酒;英英释义 eggnog[ 'en ]n.a punch made of sweetened milk or cream mixed with eggs and usuall...
详细解释cuntn.阴道;女性的阴部;(用于辱骂)讨厌鬼;龟孙子 变形 复数:cunts 英英释义 cunt[ knt ]n.a woman who is thoroughly disl...
详细解释coleslawn.卷心菜色拉,酸洋白菜丝,(凉拌)卷心菜丝;英英释义 coleslaw[ 'kul,sl: ]n.basically shredded cabbage同义词:sla...
详细解释pragmatistn.实用主义者; 变形 复数:pragmatists 英英释义 pragmatist[ 'prgmtist ]n.an adherent of philosophical pragmatis...
详细解释pecann.美洲山核桃;美洲山核桃树; 变形 复数:pecans 英英释义 pecan[ pi'kn ]n.wood of a pecan treetree of southern United...
详细解释enchantingadj.使人喜悦的;妩媚的;迷人的;v.使欣喜,使心醉(enchant的现在分词);使迷惑;英英释义 enchanting[ in't:nti, en...
详细解释KGBn.克格勃(前苏联的秘密警察);英英释义 KGB[ ,keigi:'bi: ]n.formerly the predominant security police organization of S...
详细解释walkie-talkien.手提无线电话机; 变形 复数:walkie-talkies 英英释义 walkie-talkie[ 'w:ki't:ki ]n.small portable radio lin...
详细解释Hemingway释义海明威(姓氏; Ernest, 1899-1961,美国小说家,曾获1954年诺贝尔文学奖);英英释义 Hemingway[ 'hemiwei ]n.an ...
详细解释signagen.标记; 标识系统;英英释义 signage[ 'sainid ]n.signs collectively (especially commercial signs or posters)"there...
详细解释bipolaradj.有两极的,双极的,两极世界的;英英释义 bipolar[ bai'pul ]adj.of or relating to manic depressive illnessof, pe...
详细解释GPSabbr.Global Position System 全球定位系统;Gunner's Primary Sight 炮长主瞄准镜; 变形 复数:GPSs 英英释义 GPSn.a navig...
详细解释Rollerbladen.直排轮滑;滚轴溜冰;滑旱冰;vi.滑旱冰;英英释义 Rollerblade[ 'rulbleid ]n.(trademark) an in-line skatev.tra...
详细解释reparationn.赔偿(款项);修理;修理工作;维修工程 变形 复数:reparations 英英释义 reparation[ ,rep'rein ]n.compensation...