共 36 个单词
综合教程5高级英语相关的的单词有【chop suey】【balance out】【made-up】【ideograph】【toil away】【hemophiliac】【fleabag】【rock-cake】【punny】【outshout】【broadcloth】【soda fountain】【cookware】【guesstimate】【zero in】【glycerine】【idealisation】【battle cry】【bell-bottom】【stroppy】【well-born】【foreleg】【one-liner】【whizzy】【pertinacity】【disk jockey】【saddlebow】【merchandiser】【delusive】【papier-mache】【scalloped】【bog down】【give-and-take】【put-down】【flip side】【vitals】等。
chop sueyn.(中餐)炒杂碎;英英释义 chop suey [ 'tp'su:i ]n.meat or fish stir-fried with vegetables (e.g., celery, onion...
详细解释made-upadj.制成的,捏造的;预制的;化妆过的;英英释义 made-up[ 'meid'p ]adj.formed or conceived by the imagination"a mad...
详细解释ideographn.象形(表意)文字;英英释义 ideograph[ 'idiur:f, 'aidi-, -rf ]n.a graphic character used in ideography同义词:...
详细解释hemophiliacadj.血友病的;n.血友病患者;英英释义 hemophiliac[ ,hi:m'filik, ,hem- ]n.someone who has hemophilia and is sub...
详细解释rock-cakena.糖衣脆皮小饼网络岩皮饼;石头蛋糕;岩石蛋糕和吻 英英释义 rock-caken.a small cake with a hard surface said to ...
详细解释broadclothn.(毛、棉、丝织成的)细平布;英英释义 broadcloth[ 'br:dkl ]n.a densely textured woolen fabric with a lustrous...
详细解释soda fountainn.冷饮柜; 变形 复数:soda fountains 英英释义 soda fountain n.a counter where ice cream and sodas and sunda...
详细解释cookwaren.烹饪用具,炊具;英英释义 cookware[ 'kukw ]n.a kitchen utensil made of material that does not melt easily; used...
详细解释guesstimaten.大概估计,瞎猜的估计; 变形 复数:guesstimates 英英释义 guesstimate[ 'estimit, 'estimeit ]n.an estimate tha...
详细解释zero in释义瞄准具校正;英英释义 zero in v.direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids同义词...
详细解释glycerinen.甘油,丙三醇;英英释义 glycerine[ 'lisri:n ]n.a sweet syrupy trihydroxy alcohol obtained by saponification of...
详细解释idealisation释义理想化;英英释义 idealisation[ ai,dilai'zein, -li'z- ]n.(psychiatry) a defense mechanism that splits som...
详细解释bell-bottomn.水兵上窄下宽的裤子,喇叭裤;adj.钟形裤管的; 变形 复数:bell-bottoms 英英释义 bell-bottom[ 'belbtm(d) ]adj....
详细解释well-bornadj.出身名门的,出身高贵的;英英释义 well-born[ 'wel'b:n ]adj.of good or upper-class lineage同义词:wellborn
详细解释pertinacityn.执拗,顽固;英英释义 pertinacity[ ,p:ti'nsiti ]n.persistent determination同义词:doggednessperseverancepers...
详细解释disk jockey释义圆薄膜,圆膜片;英英释义 disk jockey n.a person who announces and plays popular recorded music同义词:dis...
详细解释saddlebown.鞍的前穹;英英释义 saddlebow[ 'sdlbu ]n.handgrip formed by the raised front part of a saddle同义词:pommel
详细解释merchandisern.商人; 变形 复数:merchandisers 英英释义 merchandiser[ 'm:tndaiz ]n.a businessperson engaged in retail tra...
详细解释delusiveadj.欺骗的;迷惑的;虚妄的;令人错解的英英释义 delusive[ di'lu:siv ]adj.inappropriate to reality or facts"delusi...
详细解释papier-machen.纸型;英英释义 papier-mache[ 'ppjei'm:ei ]n.a substance made from paper pulp that can be molded when went ...
详细解释scallopedadj.有圆齿的;英英释义 scalloped[ 'sklpt ]adj.having a margin with rounded scallops同义词:crenatecrenated
详细解释bog downv.陷入困境,停顿;停滞不前;英英释义 bog down v.get stuck while doing something同义词:bogcause to get stuck as ...
详细解释give-and-taken.互让,妥协,交换;有来有往;英英释义 give-and-take[ ,ivn'teik ]n.an exchange of views on some topic同义词...
详细解释flip siden.唱片的背面,事物较不重要的方面;英英释义 flip side n.a different aspect of something (especially the opposite...