共 83 个单词
综合教程-基础英语全四册相关的的单词有【settle down to】【cast into】【shrug away】【adlib】【be all set】【be left out】【be wrapped up in】【split-level】【postal service】【birthstone】【blatancy】【strap in】【resiliency】【wade into】【coronary thrombosis】【fire out】【counterpoise】【bosky】【gocart】【motor nerve】【unmerited】【unpleasing】【unsurmountable】【freesia】【keep apart】【keep score】【low lying】【keel over】【paleoclimate】【quiet down】【bilingualism】【tote bag】【by leaps and bounds】【part and parcel】【rearview mirror】【dirt road】【imbalanced】【keep up appearances】【chop off】【a bundle of】等。
split-leveladj.房内有不同高度平面的;错层式房屋;英英释义 Split LevelSplit Level were a Christian rock band from Ireland...
详细解释postal service释义邮电业;邮政;英英释义 postal service n.the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post offic...
详细解释blatancyn.喧哗;英英释义 blatancy[ 'bleitnsi ]n.the property of being both obvious and offensive"the blatancy of his att...
详细解释resiliencyn.跳回,弹性;英英释义 resiliency[ ri'zilinsi, -jnsi ]n.an occurrence of rebounding or springing back同义词:r...
详细解释coronary thrombosisn.冠状动脉血栓形成; 变形 复数:coronary thromboses 英英释义 coronary thrombosis n.obstruction of blo...
详细解释counterpoisevt.平均,平衡,使平衡;n.秤锤,平衡; 变形 复数:counterpoises过去式:counterpoised过去分词:counterpoised现...
详细解释boskyadj.矮林丛生的,有树荫的,有丛林的;英英释义 bosky[ 'bski ]adj.covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets"`bo...
详细解释motor nerven.运动神经;英英释义 motor nerve n.a nerve that conveys impulses toward or to muscles or glands同义词:effere...
详细解释unmeritedadj.无功受禄的,不配的,不当的;英英释义 unmerited[ 'n'meritid ]adj.not merited or deserved"received an unmerit...
详细解释unpleasingadj.不愉快的,讨厌的;英英释义 unpleasing[ 'n'pli:zi ]adj.lacking graciousness同义词:graceless
详细解释unsurmountableadj.不能克服的,不能超越的;英英释义 unsurmountable[ ,ns:'mauntbl ]adj.not capable of being surmounted or ...
详细解释freesian.小苍兰属植物; 变形 复数:freesias 英英释义 freesia[ 'fri:zj ]n.any of several plants of the genus Freesia valu...
详细解释keep apart释义(使)分开;英英释义 keep apart v.set apart from others同义词:sequestersequestrateset apartisolate
详细解释low lying英英释义 low lying adj.having a small elevation above the ground or horizon or sea level同义词:low-lyinglying ...
详细解释quiet down释义平息下来;英英释义 quiet down v.become quiet or quieter同义词:quietenhushquietquiescepipe down
详细解释bilingualism释义双语;英英释义 bilingualism[ bai'liwlizm ]n.the ability to speak two languages colloquially
详细解释rearview mirrorn.(汽车等的)后视镜;英英释义 rearview mirror n.car mirror that reflects the view out of the rear window
详细解释imbalancedadj.失衡的;失调的;英英释义 imbalanced[ ,im'blnst ]adj.being or thrown out of equilibrium同义词:unbalanced