共 62 个单词
绝望的主妇-第一季上相关的的单词有【carer】【paella】【A-list】【Sims】【check kiting】【alpha mom】【messed up】【lassie】【underhanded】【life saver】【house-warming】【dry cleaning】【motherless】【freaking】【ducky】【puttanesca】【medicate】【squirrelly】【line-up】【houseful】【overcompensate】【hard ass】【doobie】【ficus】【roughhouse】【willies】【coonskin】【DUI】【hell-bent】【yay】【euthanize】【comedown】【psychoanalyze】【backbreaking】【woodsman】【sombrero】【mediaeval】【neighborly】【ungracious】【toasty】等。
A-list释义(very best) 最好的,最优秀的,最酷的;英英释义 A-list[ 'eilist ]n.a list of names of specially favored people
详细解释Simsn.simul (Latin=at the same time) (拉丁语)同时( sim的名词复数 );similarly 相同;simile (Italian=in a similar way) ...
详细解释check kiting释义挪用支票周转,用空头支票骗取钱财;英英释义 Check kitingCheck kiting is a form of check fraud, involving ...
详细解释alpha mom英英释义 Alpha Mom"Alpha Mom"is a 2006 television show about a working mom who is trying to balance her job, ch...
详细解释lassien.少女; 变形 复数:lassies 英英释义 lassie[ 'lsi ]n.a girl or young woman who is unmarried同义词:lassyoung girlj...
详细解释underhandedadj.秘密的;狡诈的;偷偷摸摸的;人手不足的英英释义 underhanded[ 'nd'hndid ]adj.marked by deception同义词:sne...
详细解释house-warmingn.庆祝迁居的喜宴,乔迁喜宴;英英释义 house-warmingn.a party of people assembled to celebrate moving into a ...
详细解释dry cleaningn.干洗;英英释义 dry cleaning n.the act of cleaning (fabrics) with a solvent other than water
详细解释duckyadj.极好的,可喜的,极为愉快的;英英释义 ducky[ 'dki ]n.a special loved one同义词:darlingfavoritefavouritepetdeari...
详细解释medicatev.用药医治,加入药物; 变形 过去式:medicated过去分词:medicated现在分词:medicating第三人称单数:medicates 英英...
详细解释housefuln.满屋,一屋子; 变形 复数:housefuls 英英释义 houseful[ 'hausful ]n.as many as a house will accommodate"they en...
详细解释overcompensatev.过度代偿; 变形 过去式:overcompensated过去分词:overcompensated现在分词:overcompensating第三人称单数:...
详细解释ficusn.无花果属植物;英英释义 ficus[ fai'ks ]n.large genus of tropical trees or shrubs or climbers including fig trees同...
详细解释williesn.使某人害怕和不安;鸡巴,阳物( willy的名词复数 );英英释义 willies[ 'wiliz ]n.feelings of uneasiness"that guy ga...
详细解释coonskinn.浣熊皮;adj.浣熊皮的;英英释义 coonskin[ 'ku:nskin ]n.a raccoon cap with the tail hanging down the back同义词:...
详细解释DUI释义酒驾(It is the abbreviation of driving under the influence.);英英释义 DuiDui or Tui () is a type of Chinese ritu...
详细解释hell-bentadj.固执的,拼命的;英英释义 hell-bent[ 'hel'bent ]adj.recklessly determined"hell-bent on winning"
详细解释comedownn.衰落;没落;丧失; 变形 复数:comedowns 英英释义 comedown[ 'kmdaun ]n.decline to a lower status or level
详细解释psychoanalyzevt.给…进行精神分析,用精神分析疗法治疗分析; 变形 过去式:psychoanalyzed过去分词:psychoanalyzed现在分词:...
详细解释backbreakingadj.(体力劳动)艰苦繁重的,累死人的;英英释义 backbreaking[ 'bk,breiki ]adj.characterized by toilsome effor...
详细解释woodsmann.护林者,伐木者; 变形 复数:woodsmen 英英释义 woodsman[ 'wudzmn ]n.someone who lives in the woods同义词:woodm...
详细解释sombreron.(墨西哥的)宽边帽; 变形 复数:sombreros 英英释义 sombrero[ sm'brru ]n.one of the islands of Saint Christophe...
详细解释mediaevaladj.中世纪的,中古时代的,中古风的;英英释义 mediaeval[ ,medi'i:vl, ,mi:- ]adj.relating to or belonging to the ...
详细解释neighborlyadj.友善的,睦邻的,友好的;英英释义 neighborly[ 'neibli ]adj.exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly ...
详细解释ungraciousadj.勉强的,愤恨的,不礼貌的;无礼;英英释义 ungracious[ ,n'reis ]adj.lacking charm and good taste"an ungracio...