共 79 个单词
shockern.(因下流、粗野或不道德而)令人震惊的人或东西; 变形 复数:shockers 英英释义 shocker[ 'k ]n.a shockingly bad per...
详细解释peekaboon.躲躲猫(一种把脸一隐一现以逗小孩的游戏);英英释义 peekaboo[ 'pi:kbu ]n.a game played with young children; you...
详细解释phraseologyn.说法;措词;用语;表达方式英英释义 phraseology[ ,freizi'ldi ]n.the manner in which something is expressed i...
详细解释mercuricadj.水银的,含水银的,汞的;英英释义 mercuric[ m:'kjurik ]adj.of or containing mercury同义词:mercurous
详细解释anilinen.苯胺;英英释义 aniline[ 'nili:n, -lin,-lin ]n.oily poisonous liquid amine obtained from nitrobenzene and used t...
详细解释blowfishn.河豚,黄麻鲈; 变形 复数:blowfishblowfishes 英英释义 blowfish[ 'blufi ]n.delicacy that is highly dangerous be...
详细解释pridefuladj.自傲的,高傲的;英英释义 prideful[ 'praidful ]adj.having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of t...
详细解释flyswattern.苍蝇拍;英英释义 flyswatter[ 'flai,swt ]n.an implement with a flat part (of mesh or plastic) and a long hand...
详细解释bozon.家伙,(尤指四肢发达,头脑简单的)大汉; 变形 复数:bozos 英英释义 bozo[ 'buzu ]n.a man who is a stupid incompeten...
详细解释tumescentadj.肿起的,肿胀性的;英英释义 tumescent[ tju:'mesnt ]adj.abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas"tume...
详细解释moronicadj.低能的,鲁钝的;英英释义 moronic[ m'rnik, m- ]adj.having a mental age of between eight and twelve years
详细解释musicianshipn.音乐技巧;音乐感;音乐才能;音乐修养英英释义 musicianship[ mju:'zinip ]n.artistry in performing music
详细解释whorehousen.妓院; 变形 复数:whorehouses 英英释义 whorehouse[ 'h:haus ]n.a building where prostitutes are available同义...
详细解释freeloadv.吃白食,不劳而获;n.一种离线浏览主页的工具软件;英英释义 freeload[ 'fri:lud ]v.live off somebody's generosity"...
详细解释overqualifiedadj.资历过高的;英英释义 OverqualifiedOverqualified is an art project by Canadian writer Joey Comeau in whi...
详细解释edgewiseadv.把刀口朝前地;沿边;英英释义 edgewise[ 'edweiz,-waiz ]adv.with the edge forward or on, by, or toward the edg...
详细解释customarilyadv.习惯上,习俗上,通常;英英释义 customarily[ 'kstmrli ]adv.by custom; according to common practice"childre...
详细解释commutatorn.换向器,转接器;英英释义 commutator[ 'kmjuteit ]n.switch for reversing the direction of an electric current
详细解释homeboyn.老乡,同乡;宅男; 变形 复数:homeboys 英英释义 homeboy[ 'humbi ]n.a fellow male member of a youth ganga male f...
详细解释hagenn.哈根(德国著名民间史诗 中的人物);英英释义 HagenHagen is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上...
详细解释medicatev.用药医治,加入药物; 变形 过去式:medicated过去分词:medicated现在分词:medicating第三人称单数:medicates 英英...
详细解释mescaln.(墨西哥)麦斯卡尔酒,龙舌兰,威廉斯仙人球;英英释义 mescal[ me'skl ]n.a small spineless globe-shaped cactus; so...
详细解释beautn.漂亮的东西或人; 变形 复数:beauts 英英释义 beaut[ bju:t ]n.an outstanding example of its kind"his roses were bea...
详细解释dribn.点滴,少量;vi.点滴地落下;英英释义 drib[ drib ]n.a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid)"years after...
详细解释hypoallergenicadj.低变应原的;英英释义 HypoallergenicHypoallergenic, meaning "below normal"or "slightly"allergenic, was ...
详细解释telephoton.电传照相,远距摄影照片;adj.用远距镜头照相的; 变形 复数:telephotos 英英释义 telephoto[ ,teli'futu, 'telif- ...
详细解释houseplant释义室内植物;英英释义 houseplant[ 'hauspl:nt, -plnt ]n.any of a variety of plants grown indoors for decorativ...
详细解释fabricatorn.捏造者;制作者;假造者;杜撰者英英释义 fabricator[ 'fbrikeit ]n.someone who tells lies同义词:storytellerfib...
详细解释zitn.丘疹; 变形 复数:zits 英英释义 zit[ zit ]n.a small inflamed elevation of the skin; a pustule or papule; common sym...