共 21 个单词
经济学原理重要术语相关的的单词有【free rider】【market power】【deadweight loss】【signaling】【absolute advantage】【life cycle】【moral hazard】【monopolist】【human capital】【opportunity cost】【Microeconomics】【sunk cost】【oligopoly】【macroeconomics】【comparative advantage】【business cycle】【property rights】【market economy】【utilitarianism】【lump-sum】【game theory】等。
market power释义市场支配力;英英释义 Market powerMarket power is the ability of a firm to profitably raise the market pr...
详细解释deadweight loss释义无谓的损失;英英释义 Deadweight lossDeadweight loss created by a binding [[price ceiling. Producer su...
详细解释signalingn.打信号,发信号;英英释义 signaling[ 'sinli ]n.any communication that encodes a message同义词:signalsign
详细解释absolute advantage释义绝对优势,绝对利益;英英释义 Absolute advantageIn economics, the principle of absolute advantage r...
详细解释life cyclen.生活周期;经济周期; 变形 复数:life cycles 英英释义 life cycle n.a series of stages through which an organi...
详细解释moral hazard释义道德风险,道德危险;保险公司对投保者道德的可靠性所冒的险;英英释义 moral hazard n.(economics) the lack o...
详细解释monopolistn.专利者;大资本家;英英释义 monopolist[ m'nplist ]n.someone who monopolizes the means of producing or selling...
详细解释human capitaln.人力资本;英英释义 Human capitalHuman capital is the stock of competencies, knowledge, social and persona...
详细解释opportunity cost释义机会成本;英英释义 opportunity cost n.cost in terms of foregone alternatives
详细解释Microeconomicsn.微观经济学; 变形 复数:microeconomics 英英释义 Microeconomics[ 'maikru,i:k'nmiks, -,ek- ]n.the branch o...
详细解释oligopolyn.求过于供的市场情况; 变形 复数:oligopolies 英英释义 oligopoly[ ,li'pli ]n.(economics) a market in which cont...
详细解释macroeconomicsn.宏观经济学;英英释义 macroeconomics[ 'mkru,i:k'nmiks ]n.the branch of economics that studies the overall...
详细解释comparative advantagen.相对优势;英英释义 Comparative advantageIn economics, comparative advantage refers to the ability...
详细解释business cyclen.商业周期;英英释义 business cycle n.recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession ...
详细解释property rights释义财产权;英英释义 Property rightsProperty rights are theoretical constructs in economics for determini...
详细解释market economy释义市场经济;英英释义 market economy n.an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods ...
详细解释utilitarianismn.功利主义,实利主义;英英释义 utilitarianism[ ,ju:tili'trinizm ]n.doctrine that the useful is the good; e...
详细解释lump-sum释义总数;整笔;英英释义 lump-sum[ 'lmpsm ]n.a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money同义词:lump ...
详细解释game theory释义博弈论,对策论;英英释义 game theory n.(economics) a theory of competition stated in terms of gains and l...