共 158 个单词
Seouln.首尔(韩国首都);英英释义 Seoul[ sul; 'sj:ul ]n.the capital of South Korea and the largest city of Asia; located...
详细解释Louisianan.路易斯安那,(美国南部的州名);英英释义 Louisiana[ lu:,i:zi'n ]n.a state in southern United States on the Gu...
详细解释Marylandn.马里兰;英英释义 Maryland[ 'mrilnd ]n.a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies同义词:Old Line St...
详细解释Connecticutn.康涅狄格州(美国);英英释义 Connecticutn.a New England state; one of the original 13 colonies同义词:Nutme...
详细解释Nevadan.内华达州(美国西部内陆州);英英释义 Nevada[ ni'vd; -'v:- ]n.a state in the western United States同义词:Silver ...
详细解释oregonn.俄勒冈州(美国州名);英英释义 oregon[ 'rin; -n ]n.a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific同义词:B...
详细解释scramblingv.快速爬行( scramble的现在分词 );攀登;争夺;(军事飞机)紧急起飞英英释义 scramble[ 'skrmbli ]n.an unceremoni...
详细解释FIFAabbr.Federation Internationale de Football Association 国际足球联盟;英英释义 FIFAFIFA, also known as FIFA Football ...
详细解释Ugandan.(国名)乌干达(东非国家);英英释义 Uganda[ ju:'nd ]n.a landlocked republic in eastern Africa; achieved indepen...
详细解释Wellsn.泉( well的名词复数 );源泉;英英释义 Wells[ welz ]n.prolific English writer best known for his science-fiction no...
详细解释adamn.亚当(中的第一个男人);英英释义 adam[ 'dm ]n.(Old Testament) in Judeo-Christian mythology; the first man and the hu...
详细解释Atlantan.亚特兰大(美国佐治亚州首府);英英释义 Atlanta[ t'lnt ]n.state capital and largest city of Georgia; chief comme...
详细解释jakartan.雅加达(印度尼西亚首都);英英释义 jakarta[ d'k:t ]n.capital and largest city of Indonesia; located on the isla...
详细解释lothadj.不愿意的,勉强的;英英释义 loth[ lu ]adj.unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom同义词:loathreluc...
详细解释Moroccon.摩洛哥,摩洛哥皮;英英释义 Morocco[ m'rku ]n.a kingdom (constitutional monarchy) in northwestern Africa with a ...
详细解释Quebecn.魁北克;通讯中用来代表q的字;英英释义 Quebec[ kwi'bek; k- ]n.the French-speaking capital of the province of Queb...
详细解释maximisevt.使(某事物)增至最大限度;最大限度地利用(某事物);英英释义 maximise[ 'mksimaiz ]v.make the most of同义词:m...
详细解释Liverpooln.利物浦;英英释义 Liverpool[ 'livpu:l ]n.a large city in northwestern England; its port is the country's major...
详细解释Alaskan.美国阿拉斯加州; 变形 复数:Alaskas 英英释义 Alaska[ 'lsk ]n.a state in northwestern North America; the 49th sta...
详细解释capitalisationn.资本化;英英释义 capitalisation[ ,kpitlai'zein,-li'z- ]n.writing in capital letters同义词:capitalizatio...
详细解释Princetonn.普林斯顿;英英释义 Princeton[ 'prinstn ]n.a university town in central New Jerseya university in New Jersey同...
详细解释berkeley释义伯克利(美国加利福尼亚州西部城市);英英释义 berkeley[ 'b:kli ]n.Irish philosopher and Anglican bishop who o...
详细解释behaviouraladj.动作的;英英释义 behavioural[ bi'heivjrl ]adj.of or relating to behavior同义词:behavioral
详细解释Spaniardn.西班牙人,西班牙居民; 变形 复数:Spaniards 英英释义 Spaniard[ 'spnjd ]n.a native or inhabitant of Spain
详细解释Cambodian.柬埔寨(亚洲国名);英英释义 Cambodia[ 'kmbudi ]n.a nation in southeastern Asia; was part of Indochina under F...
详细解释civilisationn.文明,文化;英英释义 civilisation[ ,sivilai'zein, -li'z- ]n.the social process whereby societies achieve c...
详细解释lackingv.缺乏,缺少(lack的现在分词);不足;adj.缺乏的;没有的;不足的;英英释义 lacking[ 'lki ]adj.not existing"innovati...
详细解释hardlinen.强硬路线;adj.强硬的;不妥协的;英英释义 hardline[ ,ha:d'lain ]adj.firm and uncompromising同义词:hard-line
详细解释Ethiopian.埃塞俄比亚(非洲东部国家);英英释义 Ethiopia[ ,i:i'upi ]n.Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa on th...
详细解释co-ordinationn.协调,合作;英英释义 co-ordination[ ku,:di'nein ]n.the skillful and effective interaction of movements同义...