共 158 个单词
coal-firedadj.烧煤的;英英释义 coal-fired[ 'kul,faid ]adj.fueled by burning coal"a coal-fired ship"同义词:coal-burning
详细解释Midlandsn.英国中部;内陆地区;英英释义 MidlandsMidlands was an annual Irish music festival, the 2007 edition of which wa...
详细解释psaabbr.psychoanalytic(al) 心理分析的;pressure-sensitive adhesive 压敏胶合剂;public service announcement 公共服务通告;...
详细解释corkern.塞瓶的人(或器具),非凡出众者; 变形 复数:corkers 英英释义 corker[ 'k:k ]n.(dated slang) a remarkable or excel...
详细解释best-knownadj.众所周知的,著名的;英英释义 best-known[ 'best'nun ]adj.most familiar or renowned"Stevenson's best-known w...
详细解释hawkingn.利用鹰行猎;英英释义 hawking[ 'h:ki ]n.English theoretical physicist (born in 1942)同义词:Stephen HawkingSteph...
详细解释guln.蔷薇属植物;英英释义 GulA gul is a medallion-like design element typical of traditional hand-woven carpets associat...
详细解释Mumbain.孟买(印度西部的一个邦,首府为孟买城);释义原称Bombay;英英释义 Mumbai[ mm'bai ]n.a city in western India just ...
详细解释Hampshiren.汉普郡(英国南部之一郡);英英释义 Hampshire[ 'hmp ]n.a county of southern England on the English ChannelBrit...
详细解释Cameroonn.喀麦隆(非洲西部国家);英英释义 Cameroon[ ,km'ru:n; 'km- ]n.an inactive volcano in western Cameroon; highest ...
详细解释Mandela释义纳尔逊曼德拉 Nelson,(1918,南非黑人反种族隔离活动家);[电影]曼德拉的一生;英英释义 Mandelan.South African sta...
详细解释NGOn.“non-governmental organization”的缩写,就是非政府组织。;英英释义 NGO[ ,en di: 'u ]n.an organization that is not ...
详细解释havanan.哈瓦那雪茄,古巴雪茄烟;英英释义 havana[ h'vn ]n.capital and largest city of Cuba; located in western Cuba; one ...
详细解释bristoln.布里斯托尔,英国西部的港口;英英释义 bristol[ 'bristl ]n.an industrial city and port in southwestern England ne...
详细解释plungingadj.跳进的,突进的;v.颠簸( plunge的现在分词 );暴跌;骤降;突降英英释义 plunge[ 'plndi ]n.a brief swim in water...
详细解释seizingn.抓;夺;捆绑;扣押v.抓住( seize的现在分词 );逮捕;捉拿;俘获英英释义 seizing[ 'si:zi ]n.small stuff that is us...
详细解释Serbia释义塞尔维亚(南斯拉夫成员共和国名);英英释义 Serbia[ 's:bi ]n.a historical region in central and northern Yugosl...
详细解释Kabuln.喀布尔(阿富汗的首都);英英释义 Kabul[ 'k:bl; k'bu:l ]n.the capital and largest city of Afghanistan; located in ...
详细解释accusingadj.责难的,问罪的,归罪的;v.指责,谴责,控告( accuse的现在分词 );英英释义 accusing[ 'kju:zi ]adj.containing o...
详细解释repaidv.偿还( repay的过去式和过去分词 );付还;报答;酬报英英释义 repair[ ri:'peid, ri- ]n.the act of putting something ...
详细解释Kremlinn.(俄国的)城堡;(the K-)克里姆林宫;前苏联政府;英英释义 Kremlin[ 'kremlin ]n.citadel of Moscow, housing the of...
详细解释Strasbourg释义斯特拉斯堡(法国东北部城市);英英释义 Strasbourg[ 'stsb:; 'str:z- ]n.city on the Rhine in eastern France ...
详细解释home-grownadj.自产的;本国产的;英英释义 home-grown[ 'hum'run ]adj.grown or originating in a particular place同义词:hom...
详细解释designingadj.狡诈的,狡猾的,诡计多端的;v.设计,绘制( design的现在分词 );设计;计划;企图英英释义 designing[ di'zaini ...
详细解释Rhode释义[人名] 罗德;英英释义 RhodeIn Greek mythology, Rhode (Ῥ) also known as Rhodos (Ancient Greek: Ῥ) was the sea ...
详细解释Munichn.慕尼黑(德国城市,巴伐利亚州首府);英英释义 Munich[ 'mju:nik ]n.the capital and largest city of Bavaria in sout...