共 59 个单词
schrankn.双门衣柜;英英释义 SchrankThe term "schrank"is a slang term for a grey crew neck sweat shirt. The expression's ...
详细解释serran.锯齿状器官(或结构、边缘);锯状器官;英英释义 serra[ 'ser ]n.Spanish missionary who founded Franciscan missions ...
详细解释carrefourn.道路交叉点,叉路;家乐福超市;英英释义 carrefour[ 'krf: ]n.a junction where one street or road crosses anothe...
详细解释catalonia释义加泰罗尼亚(西班牙东北部一地区)(或译卡塔卢尼亚);英英释义 catalonia[ ,kt'luni ]n.a region of northeaster...
详细解释pdlabbr.population-doubling level 群体倍增水平;poundal 磅达(力的单位);power door locks 动力门锁;英英释义 pdln.a uni...
详细解释chongqing释义重庆(中国最大的直辖市);英英释义 chongqing[ 'tu'ki ]n.a city in south-central China on the Chang Jiang; a...
详细解释mahdin.救世主; 变形 复数:Mahdis 英英释义 mahdi[ 'm:di:; -di ]n.(Islam) a messianic leader who (according to popular Mu...
详细解释davyn.宣誓书;英英释义 davy[ 'deivi ]n.English chemist who was a pioneer in electrochemistry and who used it to isolate ...
详细解释ralen.罗音,水泡音,肺的诊音;英英释义 rale[ r:l ]n.a rapid series of short loud sounds (as might be heard with a stetho...
详细解释redistrictvt.重新区分,更改选举区; 变形 过去式:redistricted过去分词:redistricted现在分词:redistricting第三人称单数:...
详细解释bokon.鼻子;英英释义 BokoBoko is a town in the Niangoloko Department of Como Province in south-western Burkina Faso. The...
详细解释bolton中文拼写:博尔顿名字含义:庄园名字来源:古英语名字类别:男 英英释义 BoltonBolton is a surname. Notable people with...
详细解释welchv.逃避债务; 变形 过去式:welched现在分词:welching第三人称单数:welches 英英释义 WelchWelch is an Irish surname of...
详细解释nationalisevt.收归国有,国有化;英英释义 nationalise[ 'nnlaiz ]v.make national in character or scope同义词:nationalizep...
详细解释tungn.桐树;英英释义 tung[ t ]n.Chinese tree bearing seeds that yield tung oil同义词:tung treetung-oil treeAleurites fo...
详细解释unionisedadj.未电离的,未离子化的;英英释义 unionised[ n'ainaizd ]adj.not converted into ions同义词:nonionizednonionise...
详细解释kissingern.(姓氏) 基辛格;英英释义 kissinger[ 'kising ]n.United States diplomat who served under President Nixon and P...
详细解释microsystemn.微小系统;英英释义 MicrosystemMicrosystem is the name commonly used in Europe to describe the same technolo...
详细解释boffinn.研究员,科学工作者,技术专家; 变形 复数:boffins 英英释义 boffin[ 'bfin ]n.(British slang) a scientist or techn...
详细解释decentralisationn.分散;英英释义 decentralisation[ di:,sentrlai'zein ]n.the spread of power away from the center to loca...
详细解释caspianadj.里海的(世界最大的咸水湖);英英释义 caspian[ 'kspin ]n.a large saltwater lake between Iran and Russia fed by...
详细解释linux释义一种可免费使用的UNIX操作系统,运行于一般的PC机上;英英释义 linux[ 'lainks ]n.an open-source version of the UNIX...