共 262 个单词
sabah释义沙巴(州)(马来西亚州名)(旧称北婆罗州);英英释义 sabah[ 's:b: ]n.a region of Malaysia in northeastern Borne...
详细解释salemn.塞伦;英英释义 salem[ 'seilm ]n.capital of the state of Oregon in the northwestern part of the state on the Willa...
详细解释sarinn.沙林,甲氟膦酸异丙酯(一种用作神经性毒气的化学剂);英英释义 sarin[ 'srin ]n.a highly toxic chemical nerve agent ...
详细解释cantorn.合唱指挥家,领唱者;英英释义 cantor[ 'knt: ]n.the musical director of a choir同义词:choirmasterprecentorthe off...
详细解释centralisationn.集中;英英释义 centralisation[ ,sentrlai'zein, -li'z- ]n.the act of consolidating power under a central ...
详细解释abbn.横丝,纬纱,劣质羊毛;粗次毛;英英释义 abb[ b ]n.an urban hit squad and guerrilla group of the Communist Party in t...
详细解释paterson释义帕特森(美国新泽西州东北部城市);英英释义 paterson[ 'ptsn ]n.American Revolutionary leader (born in Ireland...
详细解释paymastern.发薪人员,工薪出纳员; 变形 复数:paymasters 英英释义 paymaster[ 'pei,m:st, -,ms- ]n.a person in charge of pa...
详细解释backbenchn.后座议员席位;英英释义 backbench[ 'bk'bent ]n.any of the seats occupied by backbenchers in the House of Commo...
详细解释pekingn.北京的旧称,现在称Beijing;英英释义 peking[ 'pi:'ki ]n.capital of the People's Republic of China in the Hebei pr...
详细解释banlieuen.郊区;英英释义 BanlieueIn Frenchexcluding Quebecois banlieue () means a suburb of a large city. In France comm...
详细解释tallinn释义塔林(爱沙尼亚共和国首都);英英释义 tallinn[ 'tlin; 't:- ]n.a port city on the Gulf of Finland that is the c...
详细解释maidann.练兵场,操场;广场;英英释义 MaidanMaidan, or Tirah Maidan, is a remote valley located in the Tirah region in Kh...
详细解释peshawar释义白沙瓦(巴基斯坦北部城市);英英释义 peshawar[ p':; pe':w ]n.city in northern Pakistan at the eastern end of...
详细解释barkern.(在娱乐场所门外)大声招徕顾客者,拉客者;英英释义 barker[ 'b:k ]n.someone who stands in front of a show (as at ...
详细解释Dayton释义代顿(美国俄亥俄州西南部城市);英英释义 Dayton[ 'deitn ]n.a city in southwest Ohio; manufacturing center
详细解释somaliland释义索马里兰(东非一地区);英英释义 Somalilanditalic=no}}}}}}Republic of SomalilandSusan M. Hassig, Zawiah Ab...
详细解释malikn.(巴基斯坦的)酋长;英英释义 malik[ 'm:lik ]n.the leader of a town or community in some parts of Asia Minor and t...
详细解释terrorisevt.使恐怖;恐吓,胁迫;英英释义 terrorise[ 'terraiz ]v.coerce by violence or with threats同义词:terrorizefill ...
详细解释demilitarisevt.解除武装,废除军备;英英释义 demilitarise[ ,di:militraiz ]v.do away with the military organization and po...
详细解释marconin.无线电报;vi.打无线电报;英英释义 marconi[ m:'kuni ]n.Italian electrical engineer who invented wireless telegra...
详细解释mastercard释义万事达信用卡;英英释义 MasterCardDow Jones Industrial Average ComponentS&P 500 Component以上来源于:Wikiped...
详细解释realpolitikn.实力政策;英英释义 realpolitik[ rei'a:lpliti:k ]n.politics based on practical rather than moral or ideologi...
详细解释hakimn.(伊斯兰教国家的)医师,学者;英英释义 hakim[ h:'ki:m ]n.a Muslim ruler or governor or judgea Muslim physician同义...
详细解释srinagar释义斯利那加(南亚克什米尔西部城市)(为印控克什米尔地区首府);英英释义 SrinagarSrinagar Lok Sabha constituency...
详细解释melen.夏威夷歌曲(或旋律);英英释义 MeleMele are chants, songs or poems. The term comes from the Hawaiian language.以上...
详细解释ammann.安曼(约旦首都);英英释义 amman[ 'm:n ]n.the capital and largest city of Jordan同义词:capital of Jordan