共 69 个单词
satisfiableadj.可以满足的;英英释义 satisfiable[ 'stisfaibl ]adj.capable of being sated同义词:satiable
详细解释degabbr.degree(s) 度;degenerate 退化的;degeneration 恶化;diethanolglycine 二乙醇甘氨酸英英释义 DEGDEG or deg is an ac...
详细解释combinatorialadj.组合的;英英释义 combinatorial[ km,bain't:ril ]adj.relating to or involving combinations同义词:combina...
详细解释Dirac释义迪拉克(姓氏; Paul Adrien Maurice, 1902-,英国物理学家,曾获1933年诺贝尔物理学奖);英英释义 Dirac[ di'rk ]n.E...
详细解释arbn.从事于套利(套汇)之人;英英释义 arb[ :b ]n.someone who engages in arbitrage (who purchases securities in one marke...
详细解释isomorphismn.同形,类质同像;同晶型;同形性;英英释义 isomorphism[ ,aisu'm:fizm ]n.(biology) similarity or identity of f...
详细解释isomorphicadj.同形的,同构的;英英释义 isomorphic[ ,aisu'm:fik ]adj.having similar appearance but genetically different同...
详细解释Newark释义[人名] 纽瓦克;[地名] [美国、南非共和国、英国] 纽瓦克;英英释义 Newark[ 'nju:k ]n.the largest city in New Jers...
详细解释tilingn.盖瓦;贴瓷砖;(总称)瓦;瓦工英英释义 tiling[ 'taili ]n.the application of tiles to cover a surface
详细解释transitivityn.传递性,转移性,及物性;英英释义 transitivity[ ,trnsi'tiviti ]n.(logic and mathematics) a relation between...
详细解释contrapositionn.对置,对位,对照;英英释义 ContrapositionIn logic, contraposition is a law, which says that a conditiona...
详细解释infixvt.使…钻进,让…插进;n.插入词,中缀;英英释义 infix[ in'fiks, 'in-, 'infiks ]n.an affix that is inserted inside t...
详细解释idempotentn.幂等,等幂;adj.幂等的;英英释义 idempotent[ ai'demptnt ]adj.unchanged in value following multiplication by ...
详细解释derangementn.精神错乱,扰乱;狂乱;重排;英英释义 derangement[ di'reindmnt ]n.a state of mental disturbance and disorien...
详细解释lyceumn.学园(古希腊哲学家讲的园林),学术讲演的会堂;大教室;英英释义 lyceum[ lai'sim, 'laisim ]n.a school for students...
详细解释acquaintanceshipn.相识,相熟;英英释义 acquaintanceship[ 'kweintn(s)ip ]n.a relationship less intimate than friendship同...
详细解释cardinalityn.基数;英英释义 cardinality[ ,k:di'nlti ]n.(mathematics) the number of elements in a set or group (considere...
详细解释bipartiteadj.双向的;英英释义 bipartite[ ,bai'p:tait ]adj.divided into two portions almost to the baseinvolving two part...
详细解释moduloprep.以…为模;模数;英英释义 ModuloThe word modulo (Latin, with respect to a modulus of ___) is the Latin ablativ...
详细解释Euclidean释义(古希腊数学家)欧几里得的,欧几里得几何学的;英英释义 Euclidean[ ju:'klidin ]adj.relating to geometry as d...
详细解释exponentiationn.求幂;取幂;英英释义 exponentiation[ 'ekspu,neni'ein ]n.the process of raising a quantity to some assign...
详细解释traversaln.横越,横断物,(横向)往返移动;英英释义 traversal[ 'trv:sl ]n.taking a zigzag path on skis同义词:traversetr...
详细解释ciphertextn.密码,暗记文;密文;英英释义 CiphertextIn cryptography, ciphertext (or cyphertext) is the result of encrypti...
详细解释recursionn.递归,递归式;递推;英英释义 recursion[ ri'k:n, -n ]n.(mathematics) an expression such that each term is gene...
详细解释postfixn.[语] 后缀;词尾;vt.加字尾于; 变形 复数:postfixes过去式:postfixed过去分词:postfixed现在分词:postfixing第三...
详细解释prologn.序言,开场白;英英释义 prolog[ 'prul, -l: ]n.a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language ...
详细解释leftmostadj.最左边的;英英释义 leftmost[ 'leftmust ]adj.farthest to the left"the leftmost non-zero digit"
详细解释affineadj.仿射(几何学)的姻亲;n.姻亲;英英释义 affine[ 'fain ]n.(anthropology) kin by marriageadj.(mathematics) of or ...
详细解释invertibleadj.(可)倒转的,(可)颠倒的;英英释义 invertible[ in'v:tbl ]adj.having an additive or multiplicative invers...