共 35 个单词
研究生综合英语第一册相关的的单词有【a buffer zone】【a household word】【churchwarden】【be possessed of】【hand over fist】【discreditable】【infantilize】【verger】【window-dressing】【walk of life】【mythologize】【one-liner】【abstainer】【revert to】【tip the scales】【plunk down】【tinker with】【scapegrace】【call girl】【be akin to】【book up】【incommensurate】【make a scene】【rock bottom】【exert oneself】【at bottom】【runaround】【mark time】【be carried away】【under the counter】【pharisaical】【screwball】【bust out】【commonweal】【speculate on】等。
churchwardenn.教会委员,陶制的长烟斗; 变形 复数:churchwardens 英英释义 churchwarden[ ,t:t'w:dn ]n.an officer in the Ep...
详细解释discreditableadj.丢脸的;英英释义 discreditable[ dis'kreditbl ]adj.tending to bring discredit or disrepute; blameworthy"...
详细解释vergern.执权标的人,教堂管理人;英英释义 verger[ 'v:d ]n.a church officer who takes care of the interior of the building...
详细解释window-dressing释义装门面措施;英英释义 window-dressing[ 'windu,dresi ]n.a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal s...
详细解释walk of life释义行业,…类的人; 变形 复数:walks of life 英英释义 walk of life n.careers in general同义词:walk
详细解释mythologizev.讲神话;编神话;写神话;给神话分类 变形 过去式:mythologized过去分词:mythologized现在分词:mythologizing第...
详细解释abstainern.节制者,戒酒者,弃权者; 变形 复数:abstainers 英英释义 abstainer[ b'stein ]n.someone who practices self deni...
详细解释plunk downv.突然落下,付给;英英释义 plunk down v.set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise同义词:plan...
详细解释scapegracen.不可救药的恶棍,饭桶;英英释义 scapegrace[ 'skeipreis ]n.a reckless and unprincipled reprobate同义词:black ...
详细解释call girln.应召女郎; 变形 复数:call girls 英英释义 call girl n.a female prostitute who can be hired by telephone
详细解释incommensurateadj.不相称的;不对应的;不充足的;不能相比的英英释义 incommensurate[ 'ink,menrt ]adj.(often followed by `w...
详细解释rock bottomn.最低点;英英释义 rock bottom n.the absolute bottomadj.well below normal (especially in price)同义词:reduce...
详细解释at bottomadv.实际上;说到底;骨子里;英英释义 at bottom adv.in reality同义词:at heartdeep downinsidein spite of appeara...
详细解释runaroundn.借口,遁词;英英释义 Runaround"Runaround"is a rock song written by the group Van Halen for their ninth album ...
详细解释under the counter释义秘密地, 私下里;英英释义 under the counter adj.done or sold illicitly and secretly同义词:under-th...
详细解释pharisaicaladj.形式上遵守教义的,形式上讲道义的; 自以为有道德的,伪善的;英英释义 pharisaicaladj.excessively or hypocri...
详细解释bust out释义因考试不及格被大学等开除;花儿突然开放;突然开始;逃出,脱逃英英释义 Bust Out"Bust Out"is the twenty-third e...
详细解释commonwealn.公益,大众福利;英英释义 commonweal[ 'kmnwi:l ]n.the good of a community同义词:common good