共 35 个单词
nymphomanian.(女子的)色情狂,慕男狂,(牛等动物的)慕雄;慕雄狂;英英释义 nymphomania[ ,nimf'meini ]n.abnormally inten...
详细解释estrusn.动情期,动情周期;发情;英英释义 estrus[ 'estrs, 'i:s- ]n.applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heig...
详细解释haughn.河岸平台,泛滥平原;英英释义 HaughHaugh and Scots hauch, from Old English halh, healh, is term referring to a low...
详细解释rumenn.瘤胃(反刍动物的第一胃); 变形 复数:ruminarumens 英英释义 rumen[ 'ru:men, -mn ]n.the first compartment of the s...
详细解释amylolyticadj.淀粉分解的;英英释义 amylolytic[ ,milu'litik ]adj.of or related to the process of amylolysis
详细解释holsteinn.荷兰的一种乳牛(荷尔斯坦因种),黑白花牛;英英释义 holstein[ 'hlstain ]n.a breed of dairy cattle from northern...
详细解释mucinn.黏液素;英英释义 mucin[ 'mju:sin ]n.a nitrogenous substance found in mucous secretions; a lubricant that protects...
详细解释zebun.瘤牛; 变形 复数:zebus 英英释义 zebu[ 'zi:bju: ]n.domesticated ox having a humped back and long horns and a large...
详细解释emasculationn.阉割,柔弱,去势;英英释义 emasculation[ i,mskju'lein ]n.loss of power and masculinityneutering a male ani...
详细解释Boern.布尔人; 变形 复数:Boers 英英释义 Boer[ 'bu; b: ]n.a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch s...
详细解释lenitiveadj.润泽的;缓和的;缓解疼痛的;减轻痛苦的n.润泽药,缓和剂,轻泻剂;英英释义 lenitive[ 'lenitiv ]n.remedy that e...
详细解释decapitationn.斩首;杀头;断头术;大辟 变形 复数:decapitations 英英释义 decapitation[ di,kpi'tein ]n.execution by cutti...
详细解释chalazan.系带; 变形 复数:chalazaschalazae 英英释义 chalaza[ k'leiz ]n.basal part of a plant ovule opposite the micropy...
详细解释albumenn.蛋白,胚乳;蛋清;英英释义 albumen[ 'lbjumin ]n.a simple water-soluble protein found in many animal tissues and...
详细解释verniern.游尺,游标,游标尺;英英释义 vernier[ 'v:ni ]n.a small movable scale that slides along a main scale; the small ...
详细解释ampullan.圣瓶;壶状体;[解]壶腹; 变形 复数:ampullae 英英释义 ampulla[ m'pul ]n.the dilated portion of a canal or duct ...
详细解释cockscombn.鸡冠,鸡冠花,鸡冠帽;英英释义 cockscomb[ 'kkskum ]n.garden annual with featherlike spikes of red or yellow f...
详细解释colorimetricadj.色度的比色的;英英释义 colorimetric[ 'klri'metrik ]adj.of or relating to colorimetry同义词:colorimetric...
详细解释campylobactern.弯曲菌;英英释义 CampylobacterCampylobacter (meaning "twisted bacteria") is a genus of bacteria that are ...
详细解释pican.十二点活字,异食癖; 变形 复数:picas 英英释义 pica[ 'paik ]n.a linear unit (1/6 inch) used in printing同义词:emp...
详细解释proteolyticadj.(分)解蛋白的,蛋白水解的;英英释义 proteolytic[ ,prutiu'litik ]adj.of or relating to proteolysis
详细解释acromionn.[解剖]肩峰; 变形 复数:acromia 英英释义 acromion[ 'krumin ]n.the outermost point of the spine of the shoulder...
详细解释methanogenn.产烷生物;英英释义 methanogen[ m'ndn ]n.archaebacteria found in anaerobic environments such as animal intest...
详细解释tweezern.镊子,钳子;v.用镊子拔(毛,刺等);英英释义 tweezer[ 'twi:z ]n.a hand tool for holding consisting of a compoun...
详细解释limbsn.肢( limb的名词复数 );大树枝;肢体;英英释义 limb[ limz ]n.one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for lo...
详细解释protozoan.杀原生动物药,原生动物;原生动物( protozoan的名词复数 );无构造动物;英英释义 protozoa[ ,prutu'zu ]n.in some c...
详细解释defecationn.澄清,净化,通便;排粪;排便作用;英英释义 defecation[ ,defi'kein ]n.the elimination of fecal waste through ...