共 904 个单词
生物化学基础词汇相关的的单词有【covalent】【dinoflagellate】【therapeutical】【styrene】【diene】【decane】【agar】【molybdenum】【prion】【uracil】【acetal】【disulfide】【dielectric】【ammonium】【spectroscopy】【aliphatic】【hydration】【abiotic】【exo】【aphrodisiac】【pucker】【polymorphic】【blotch】【kink】【per se】【modularity】【holoenzyme】【mannose】【proteoglycan】【randomization】【ternary】【apoenzyme】【nucleophilic】【glycoprotein】【glycan】【stearic】【amylopectin】【amylose】【synthase】【vimentin】等。
covalentadj.共有原子价的,共价的;英英释义 covalent[ ku'veilnt ]adj.of or relating to or characterized by covalence"cova...
详细解释dinoflagellaten.腰鞭毛虫(属于腰鞭毛目的原生动物,一种海生单细胞生物);英英释义 dinoflagellate[ dainu'fldilit, -,leit ]...
详细解释therapeuticaladj.治疗(学)的;英英释义 therapeutical[ ,er'pju:tikl ]adj.relating to or involved in therapy同义词:thera...
详细解释styrenen.苯乙烯;英英释义 styrene[ 'stairi:n, 'sti- ]n.a colorless oily liquid; the monomer for polystyrene同义词:cinna...
详细解释molybdenumn.钼;英英释义 molybdenum[ m'libdinm ]n.a polyvalent metallic element that resembles chromium and tungsten in ...
详细解释prionn.感染性蛋白质,普列昂;锯鹱;英英释义 prion[ 'pri:n ]n.(microbiology) an infectious protein particle similar to a ...
详细解释uraciln.尿嘧啶;二氧嘧啶;英英释义 uracil[ 'jursil ]n.a base containing nitrogen that is found in RNA (but not in DNA) a...
详细解释acetaln.乙缩醛,乙缩醛二乙醇;英英释义 acetal[ 'sitl ]n.any organic compound formed by adding alcohol molecules to aldeh...
详细解释disulfiden.二硫化物;二硫醚;英英释义 DisulfideIn chemistry, a disulfide usually refers to the structural unit composed ...
详细解释dielectricn.电介质,绝缘体;adj.非传导性的;英英释义 dielectric[ ,daii'lektrik ]n.a material such as glass or porcelain ...
详细解释ammoniumn.铵;英英释义 ammonium[ 'munjm ]n.the ion NH4 derived from ammonia; behaves in many respects like an alkali met...
详细解释spectroscopyn.[光] 光谱学;英英释义 spectroscopy[ spek'trskupi ]n.the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra同义词:spe...
详细解释aliphaticadj.脂肪族的,脂肪质的;英英释义 aliphatic[ ,li'ftik ]adj.having carbon atoms linked in open chains
详细解释hydrationn.水合,水合作用;水化;英英释义 hydration[ hai'drein ]n.the process of combining with water; usually reversibl...
详细解释aphrodisiacadj.引起性欲的;n.壮阳剂,春药; 变形 复数:aphrodisiacs 英英释义 aphrodisiac[ ,fru'dizik ]n.a drug or other ...
详细解释polymorphicadj.多形的,多态的,多形态的;多晶形;英英释义 polymorphic[ ,pli'm:fik ]adj.relating to the crystallization o...
详细解释per seadv.本身,本质上;英英释义 per se [ ,p:'sei, -'si: ]adv.with respect to its inherent nature同义词:intrinsicallyas...
详细解释proteoglycann.蛋白聚糖,蛋白多糖;英英释义 ProteoglycanProteoglycans are proteins that are heavily glycosylated. The bas...
详细解释randomizationn.随机化,随机选择;英英释义 randomization[ 'rndmai'zein, -mi'z- ]n.a deliberately haphazard arrangement of...
详细解释ternaryadj.三元的;有三部分组成的;n.三个一组;英英释义 ternary[ 't:nri ]n.the cardinal number that is the sum of one an...
详细解释apoenzymen.脱辅基酶蛋白;缺辅基酶;英英释义 apoenzyme[ ,pu'enzaim ]n.a protein that combines with a coenzyme to form an ...
详细解释glycoproteinn.糖蛋白类,醣蛋白;英英释义 glycoprotein[ ,laiku'prutin ]n.a conjugated protein having a carbohydrate compo...
详细解释glycann.多糖,聚糖,多聚糖;英英释义 GlycanThe term glycan refers to a polysaccharide or oligosaccharide. Glycans usuall...
详细解释stearicadj.硬脂的;似硬脂的;硬脂酸的;十八(烷)酸的英英释义 stearic[ sti'rik, 'sti:rik ]adj.of or relating to or compo...
详细解释synthasen.合酶;英英释义 SynthaseIn biochemistry, a synthase is an enzyme that catalyses a synthesis process.以上来源于:...