共 88 个单词
生活大爆炸第六季按集收录相关的的单词有【peephole】【rebrand】【poolside】【anthropic】【oozy】【hubby】【doodlebug】【newlyweds】【doozy】【edelweiss】【blintz】【wedgie】【freaking】【blooper】【bullwhip】【homegirl】【summa cum laude】【leaps and bounds】【naturalize】【nosey】【decompress】【mandrill】【unimpaired】【corncob】【matey】【wringer】【cornrow】【frittata】【poppycock】【Bros】【DS】【tic-tac-toe】【cotillion】【tushy】【DVR】【moulin】【noggin】【recondition】【frig】【toughie】等。
peepholen.窥视孔; 变形 复数:peepholes 英英释义 peephole[ 'pi:phul ]n.a hole (in a door or an oven etc) through which y...
详细解释poolsiden.游泳池边;adj.在游泳池边的;英英释义 PoolsidePoolside are Los Angeles based duo Filip Nikolic and Jeffrey Para...
详细解释anthropicadj.人类的,有关人类的;英英释义 anthropic[ n'rpik,-kl ]adj.relating to mankind or the period of mankind's exis...
详细解释doodlebugn.狮蚁,超小型赛车;小机动车;英英释义 doodlebug[ 'du:dlb ]n.a small motor vehiclea small jet-propelled winged ...
详细解释newlywedsn.新婚夫妇;新婚的人( newlywed的名词复数 );英英释义 newlywedn.someone recently married同义词:honeymooner
详细解释edelweissn.高山,火绒草;雪绒花;英英释义 edelweiss[ 'eidlvais ]n.alpine perennial plant native to Europe having leaves ...
详细解释blintzn.(用乳酪、果酱或水果作馅的) 薄饼卷;薄煎饼;英英释义 blintz[ 'blints, blints ]n.(Judaism) thin pancake folded a...
详细解释bloopern.引起杂音的收音机,大挫折; 变形 复数:bloopers 英英释义 blooper[ 'blu:p ]n.an embarrassing mistake同义词:blund...
详细解释bullwhipn.(旧时赶牛或牲口用的)粗而长的鞭; 变形 复数:bullwhips 英英释义 BullwhipA bullwhip is a single-tailed whip, u...
详细解释homegirln.闺蜜; 变形 复数:homegirls 英英释义 homegirl[ 'hum:l ]n.a fellow female member of a youth gang
详细解释summa cum lauden.享有最高荣誉;英英释义 summa cum laude [ 'sumlkm'laudei, -d, -di, 'smkm'l:di ]adj.with highest honor; w...
详细解释leaps and bounds释义跳跃;英英释义 Leaps and BoundsLeaps and Bounds was a chain of indoor play-places that was started b...
详细解释noseyadj.好管闲事的;爱追问的;大鼻子的;有香味(或臭味)的英英释义 nosey[ 'nuzi ]adj.offensively curious or inquisitive...
详细解释decompressvt.使减压;英英释义 decompress[ ,di:km'pres ]v.restore to its uncompressed form"decompress data"同义词:uncomp...
详细解释mandrilln.山魈(西非洲产的大狒狒);英英释义 mandrill[ 'mndril ]n.baboon of west Africa with a bright red and blue muzzl...
详细解释unimpairedadj.未受损害的,未被削弱的;英英释义 unimpaired[ 'nim'pd ]adj.not damaged or diminished in any respect"his spe...
详细解释corncobn.玉米的穗轴;玉米穗;英英释义 corncob[ 'k:n,kb ]n.the hard cylindrical core that bears the kernels of an ear of ...
详细解释mateyadj.友好的,友善的;英英释义 matey[ 'meiti ]adj.(used colloquially) having the relationship of friends or pals同义词...
详细解释wringern.敲诈者;绞拧机;榨干机;榨水机英英释义 wringer[ 'ri ]n.a clothes dryer consisting of two roles between which th...
详细解释frittatan.菜肉馅煎蛋饼;英英释义 frittata[ fri'ta:t ]n.Italian omelet with diced vegetables and meats; cooked until bott...
详细解释poppycockn.胡说,废话;英英释义 poppycock[ 'ppikk ]n.senseless talk同义词:stuffstuff and nonsensehooey
详细解释DSabbr.数字服务;Discarding Sabot 脱壳;dysprosium 镝;doctor of science 理学博士英英释义 DS[ diz ]n.a radioactive trans...
详细解释tic-tac-toe释义一字棋;英英释义 tic-tac-toe[ ,tiktk'tu ]n.a game in which two players alternately put crosses and circle...
详细解释cotillionn.沙龙舞(19世纪流行的一种不断交换舞伴,穿插各种花样的轻快交谊舞);英英释义 cotillion[ k'tiljn ]n.a ball at whic...
详细解释moulinn.冰川锅穴;英英释义 MoulinSchematic drawing of glacial features illustrating how moulins transport surface water ...
详细解释nogginn.小杯;少量的含酒精饮料;英英释义 noggin[ 'nin ]n.informal terms for a human head同义词:atticbeanboncenoodledome
详细解释reconditionvt.修理,修复,修补翻新; 变形 过去式:reconditioned过去分词:reconditioned现在分词:reconditioning第三人称单...