共 79 个单词
生人勿进Let-the-Right-One-In相关的的单词有【blotchy】【cloy】【sough】【Israelite】【peppy】【hashish】【interlace】【halothane】【decimeter】【denatured】【constrictor】【sinoatrial】【chlorinate】【jungle gym】【pull-up】【dante】【doily】【herewith】【hollow out】【sew up】【bolt upright】【anesthetize】【unstinting】【fire drill】【denature】【spaced out】【bull's eye】【blowtorch】【cornflake】【shoot up】【tell on】【hiccough】【chaffinch】【nauseated】【curl up】【clomp】【foundling】【clunk】【fish out】等。
blotchyadj.有斑点的,有污渍的;斑污;英英释义 blotchy[ 'blti ]adj.marked with irregularly shaped spots or blots同义词:b...
详细解释Israeliten.以色列人,犹太人;adj.以色列人的; 变形 复数:Israelites 英英释义 Israelite[ 'iz,rilait ]n.a native or inhabi...
详细解释peppyadj.精神充沛的,活泼的;英英释义 peppy[ 'pepi ]adj.marked by lively action"the peppy and interesting talk"同义词:b...
详细解释hashishn.以印度大麻提炼的麻药;英英释义 hashish[ 'hi, -i: ]n.purified resinous extract of the hemp plant; used as a hall...
详细解释interlacevt.使交错,使交织; 变形 过去式:interlaced过去分词:interlaced现在分词:interlacing第三人称单数:interlaces 英...
详细解释halothanen.三氟溴氯乙烷,氟烷(一种麻醉药);英英释义 halothane[ 'hlein ]n.a nonflammable inhalation anesthetic that pro...
详细解释decimetern.分米;英英释义 decimeter[ 'desi,mi:t ]n.a metric unit of length equal to one tenth of a meter同义词:decimetr...
详细解释denaturedadj.变性的;v.变性(denature的过去分词);英英释义 denatured[ di:'neitd ]adj.changed in nature or natural quality...
详细解释constrictorn.使压缩之物,括约肌,大蟒;英英释义 constrictor[ kn'strikt ]n.any of various large nonvenomous snakes that k...
详细解释chlorinatevt.使氯发生作用,用氯消毒; 变形 过去式:chlorinated过去分词:chlorinated现在分词:chlorinating第三人称单数:c...
详细解释jungle gymn.攀玩架,又称“猴架儿”。;爬杆;英英释义 jungle gym n.a structure of vertical and horizontal rods where chil...
详细解释pull-upn.拉起动作,引体向上;英英释义 pull-up[ 'pul,p ]n.a roadside cafe especially for lorry drivers同义词:pull-inan a...
详细解释doilyn.小型装饰桌巾; 变形 复数:doilies 英英释义 doily[ 'dili ]n.a small round piece of linen place under a dish or bow...
详细解释bolt uprightadv.笔笔直直;直挺挺;直溜;直溜溜英英释义 Bolt UprightBolt Upright was a rapcore music group from Hollywood...
详细解释anesthetizevt.使麻醉,使麻木; 变形 过去式:anesthetized过去分词:anesthetized现在分词:anesthetizing第三人称单数:anest...
详细解释unstintingadj.极为慷慨的,大方的;英英释义 unstinting[ 'n'stinti ]adj.very generous"called for unstinting aid to Britain...
详细解释fire drilln.消防训练,火灾避难训练; 变形 复数:fire drills 英英释义 fire drill n.an exercise intended to train people i...
详细解释denaturevt.使改变本性;使变质;使中毒;英英释义 denature[ di:'neit ]v.add nonfissionable material to (fissionable materi...
详细解释spaced outadj.(因服用刺激精神的药而引起的)飘飘然的,迷幻的;英英释义 spaced out adj.stupefied by (or as if by) some na...
详细解释bull's eye释义舷窗;英英释义 bull's eye n.in target shooting: a score made by hitting the center of the targetthe center...
详细解释blowtorchn.吹管,喷灯; 变形 复数:blowtorches 英英释义 blowtorch[ 'blut:t ]n.a burner that mixes air and gas to produce...
详细解释tell on释义告发;产生(坏的)影响;英英释义 tell on v.give away information about somebody同义词:denouncebetraygive awa...
详细解释hiccoughn.& v.打嗝;打呃;呃逆;英英释义 hiccough[ 'hikp, -p ]n.(usually plural) the state of having reflex spasms of th...
详细解释chaffinchn.花鸡(一种欧洲鸣禽); 变形 复数:chaffinches 英英释义 chaffinch[ 'tfint ]n.small European finch with a cheer...
详细解释nauseatedadj.作呕的,厌恶的;v.使恶心,作呕( nauseate的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 nauseated[ 'n:zieitid, -i- ]adj.feel...
详细解释clompvi.重踏着走; 变形 过去式:clomped过去分词:clomped现在分词:clomping第三人称单数:clomps 英英释义 clomp[ klmp ]v.w...
详细解释foundlingn.弃儿,育婴堂; 变形 复数:foundlings 英英释义 foundling[ 'faundli ]n.a child who has been abandoned and whose...