共 24 个单词
现代大学英语精读2第二版相关的的单词有【test pilot】【heaven-sent】【predigest】【engraft】【whatchamacallit】【back-breaking】【broadsword】【humph】【beanpole】【unromantic】【bygones】【new deal】【good-sized】【beachcomber】【visualizer】【dust bowl】【pettiness】【push-button】【checkerboard】【undreamed】【proofreader】【fine arts】【synthetical】【critical point】等。
test pilotn.试飞员; 变形 复数:test pilots 英英释义 test pilot n.a pilot hired to fly experimental airplanes through ma...
详细解释heaven-sentadj.天赋的,天赐的;英英释义 heaven-sent[ 'hevnsent ]adj.peculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by divine...
详细解释predigestvt.预先消化,简化; 变形 过去式:predigested过去分词:predigested现在分词:predigesting第三人称单数:predigests...
详细解释engraftvt.灌输,使牢记,嫁接; 变形 过去式:engrafted过去分词:engrafted现在分词:engrafting第三人称单数:engrafts 英英释...
详细解释whatchamacallit释义(想不起名称时说)叫什么来着;英英释义 whatchamacallitn.something unspecified whose name is either fo...
详细解释back-breakingadj.使人疲劳至极的;英英释义 back-breakingadj.characterized by toilsome effort to the point of exhaustion; ...
详细解释broadswordn.(宽刃)大砍刀;大刀;英英释义 broadsword[ 'br:ds:d ]n.a sword with a broad blade and (usually) two cutting ...
详细解释unromanticadj.平淡无奇的,平庸的;英英释义 unromantic[ 'nru'mntik ]adj.neither expressive of nor exciting sexual love or...
详细解释bygonesn.过去的(不愉快的)事( bygone的名词复数 );英英释义 bygone[ 'baignz ]n.past events to be put aside"let bygones b...
详细解释new deal释义彻底改变;英英释义 new deal n.the economic policy of F. D. Rooseveltthe historic period (1933-1940) in the U...
详细解释beachcombern.(海滩捡漂浮物的)流浪汉;拍岸浪; 变形 复数:beachcombers 英英释义 beachcomber[ 'bit,kum ]n.a vagrant livi...
详细解释visualizern.视觉型的人,观察仪;英英释义 visualizer[ 'vizjulaiz ]n.one whose prevailing mental imagery is visual同义词:...
详细解释dust bowl释义风沙浸蚀区,风沙中心;英英释义 dust bowl n.a region subject to dust storms; especially the central region o...
详细解释pettinessn.琐碎,小气,卑鄙;英英释义 pettiness[ 'petinis ]n.narrowness of mind or ideas or viewsthe quality of being un...
详细解释push-buttonadj.按钮操作的;按键;英英释义 push-button[ 'pu,btn ]n.an electrical switch operated by pressing同义词:push ...
详细解释checkerboardn.西洋跳棋盘; 变形 复数:checkerboards 英英释义 checkerboard[ 'tekb:d ]n.a board having 64 squares of two a...
详细解释undreamedadj.梦想不到的,意外的;英英释义 undreamed[ n'drimd ]adj.not imagined even in a dream同义词:undreamed ofundrea...
详细解释proofreadern.校对者;英英释义 proofreader[ 'pru:f,ri:d ]n.someone who reads proof in order to find errors and mark corre...
详细解释fine artsn.美术;英英释义 fine arts n.the study and creation of visual works of art同义词:beaux arts
详细解释syntheticaladj.综合的,合成的;英英释义 synthetical[ sin'etikl ]adj.involving or of the nature of synthesis (combining s...
详细解释critical point释义临界点;紧要关头;英英释义 critical point n.a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decisi...