共 117 个单词
cenoten.沼穴,洞状陷穴(尤指墨西哥尤加坦半岛的灰岩坑);竖井;英英释义 CenoteA cenote (English: or ; ; plural: cenotes; ...
详细解释signern.签名者; 变形 复数:signers 英英释义 signer[ 'sain ]n.someone who can use sign language to communicatesomeone wh...
详细解释chapbookn.小本的诗歌集或故事书,廉价的小册子;小书;英英释义 ChapbookA chapbook is a pocket-sized booklet. The term chap...
详细解释chemurgyn.农业化工,实用化学;英英释义 ChemurgyChemurgy is a branch of applied chemistry that is concerned with preparin...
详细解释chlorosisn.萎黄病,变色病;缺绿病;英英释义 chlorosis[ kl'rusis ]n.iron deficiency anemia in young women; characterized ...
详细解释baedekern.旅行指南,入门手册;英英释义 baedeker[ 'beidik ]n.German publisher of a series of travel guidebooks (1801-1859...
详细解释barrelfuln.一桶之量,大量; 变形 复数:barrelfulsbarrelsful 英英释义 barrelful[ 'brful ]n.the quantity that a barrel (of...
详细解释coamingn.舱口栏板,边材;围板;英英释义 coaming[ 'kumi ]n.a raised framework around a hatchway on a ship to keep water o...
详细解释Marseille释义[地名] [法国] 马赛;英英释义 Marseille[ ma:'seil ]n.a port city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean...
详细解释plainspokenadj.直言不讳的;英英释义 plainspoken[ 'plein'spukn ]adj.using simple and direct language"a plainspoken countr...
详细解释ill-equippedadj.装备不良的;英英释义 ill-equipped[ 'ili'kwipt ]adj.poorly supplied with physical equipment"the school wa...
详细解释redbudn.紫荆属植物,美国紫荆;英英释义 redbud[ 'redbd ]n.small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Juda...
详细解释redwingn.(欧洲产的)红翼鸫;英英释义 redwing[ 'redwi ]n.North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings同义词...
详细解释polychromeadj.彩饰的;n.多彩艺术品;vt.用多色装饰; 变形 复数:polychromes过去式:polychromed过去分词:polychromed现在分...
详细解释compon.混合涂料,灰泥,工伤赔偿; 变形 复数:compos 英英释义 CompoCompo is a 1989 low budget Australian film.David Strat...
详细解释faultfindingn.找茬子,挑剔;adj.喜欢挑剔的,吹毛求疵的;英英释义 faultfinding[ 'f:ltfaindi ]n.persistent petty and unjus...
详细解释ectothermic释义[医]变温的;英英释义 ectothermicadj.of animals except birds and mammals; having body temperature that var...
详细解释tieback释义用以拉窗帘的带[绳]子,窗帘挂钩,带挂钩的窗帘;英英释义 tieback[ 'taibk ]n.a device (as a decorative loop of c...
详细解释reexaminevt.复试,再调查; 变形 过去式:reexamined过去分词:reexamined现在分词:reexamining第三人称单数:reexamines 英英...
详细解释poorhousen.贫民院; 变形 复数:poorhouses 英英释义 poorhouse[ 'puhaus, 'p:- ]n.an establishment maintained at public exp...
详细解释portraitistn.肖像画家,人像摄影家;画师; 变形 复数:portraitists 英英释义 portraitist[ 'p:tritist, -trei-, 'pu- ]n.a pa...
详细解释landsmann.同胞,未出过海的人; 变形 复数:landsmen 英英释义 landsman[ 'lndzmn ]n.a person who lives and works on land同义...
详细解释bituminousadj.含沥青的;英英释义 bituminous[ bi'tju:mins ]adj.resembling or containing bitumen"bituminous coal"
详细解释stickpinn.(尤指领带的)装饰别针;英英释义 stickpin[ 'stikpin ]n.a decorative pin that is worn in a necktie
详细解释microfossiln.微体化石,微化石;英英释义 microfossil[ ,maikru'fsl ]n.a fossil that must be studied microscopically
详细解释flesh-eatingadj.食肉的;英英释义 flesh-eating[ fle,i:ti ]adj.(of animals) carnivorous同义词:meat-eating(a)zoophagous
详细解释primatologyn.灵长类动物学;英英释义 primatology[ ,praim'tldi ]n.the branch of zoology that studies primates