共 38 个单词
牛津英语上海版初中单词词汇相关的的单词有【see stars】【save someone's life】【burst out doing】【jump out of one's skin】【hot tip】【cut a long story short】【tree-lined】【be done for】【feel good】【in pieces】【baking tray】【do someone a favour】【the time of someone's life】【whizz-kid】【green with envy】【ballroom dancing】【sewage plant】【make a complaint】【self-raising flour】【behind bars】【be wrong with】【connect to】【like lightning】【go on doing something】【tell time】【DVD-ROM】【escape from】【spray can】【going on】【action film】【jump to a conclusion】【go on to】【trick into】【sailing boat】【trolleybus】【common knowledge】【in peace】【vote for】等。
hot tip英英释义 Hot tipA hot tip is an English idiom that typically refers to information that must be acted upon quickl...
详细解释feel good释义感觉舒服,感觉良好;英英释义 Feel Good"Feel Good"was announced as the second promo single from G-Unit's sec...
详细解释in pieces释义破碎,(意见、信念)有分歧;片片;英英释义 In Pieces"In Pieces"was the second single to be taken from Shann...
详细解释whizz-kidn.(尤指在金融方面的)神童,奇才; 变形 复数:whizz-kids 英英释义 whizz-kidn.someone whose career progresses ra...
详细解释ballroom dancingn.交际舞;英英释义 ballroom dancing n.any of a variety of social dances performed by couples in a ballro...
详细解释self-raising flour释义自发面粉(已含酵母的);英英释义 self-raising flour n.a commercially prepared mixture of flour and...
详细解释DVD-ROMabbr.digital versatile disk read-only memory 数字多功能只读光盘;digital videodisk read-only memory 数字只读光盘存...
详细解释spray cann.喷壶,喷雾器; 变形 复数:spray cans 英英释义 spray can n.a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure a...
详细解释sailing boatn.帆船; 变形 复数:sailing boats 英英释义 sailing boat n.a small sailing vessel; usually with a single mast...
详细解释trolleybus释义无轨电车;英英释义 trolleybus[ 'trlibs ]n.a passenger bus with an electric motor that draws power from ove...
详细解释common knowledgen.大家都知道的事,常识;英英释义 common knowledge n.something generally known to everyone