共 149 个单词
炸弹追凶-第一季相关的的单词有【ad hominem】【stand behind】【cakewalk】【flunk out】【fishing expedition】【pig out】【mock-up】【carbon paper】【self-pity】【fine-tooth】【calvary】【accreditation】【hole up】【altimeter】【dorky】【reel in】【smoking gun】【convolute】【cough up】【protestation】【indented】【technicality】【forceful】【palindrome】【moniker】【hoagie】【recess】【valor】【schizophrenia】【pretense】【impotent】【kindred】【wiggle】【detonate】【desist】【conformist】【canister】【oddball】【squirm】【slather】等。
ad hominemadv.从个人偏好出发;英英释义 ad hominem [ d'hminem ]adj.appealing to personal considerations (rather than to f...
详细解释pig out释义狼吞虎咽,大吃特吃;英英释义 pig out v.overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself同义词:gorgeingurgita...
详细解释mock-upn.实验或教学用的实物大模型,伪装工事; 变形 复数:mock-ups 英英释义 mock-up[ 'mkp ]n.full-scale working model of ...
详细解释carbon papern.复写纸;英英释义 carbon paper n.a thin paper coated on one side with a dark waxy substance (often containi...
详细解释self-pityn.自怜;自哀;英英释义 self-pity[ ,self'piti ]n.a feeling of sorrow (often self-indulgent) over your own suffer...
详细解释fine-toothadj.齿细密的;英英释义 fine-toothadj.having fine teeth set close together"a fine-toothed comb"同义词:fine-too...
详细解释calvaryn.耶稣受难像;受难地,大磨难; 变形 复数:calvaries 英英释义 calvary[ 'klvri ]n.a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus...
详细解释accreditationn.委派,信赖,鉴定合格;英英释义 accreditation[ ,kredi'tein ]n.the act of granting credit or recognition (e...
详细解释hole up释义躲藏起来;离群索居;龟缩;英英释义 hole up v.remain secluded or in hidingscore a hole in onesleep during wint...
详细解释altimetern.高度计; 变形 复数:altimeters 英英释义 altimeter[ 'ltimi:t, l'timit ]n.an instrument that measures the heigh...
详细解释reel inv.卷,绕;英英释义 ReelinReelin is a large secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein that helps regulate process...
详细解释smoking gunn.确切的证据; 变形 复数:smoking guns 英英释义 smoking gun n.indisputable evidence (especially of a crime)
详细解释convolutev.回旋,卷绕,盘旋;adj.旋绕的; 变形 过去式:convoluted过去分词:convoluted现在分词:convoluting第三人称单数:...
详细解释cough up释义认罪;勉强说出(某事);咳出;掏出英英释义 cough up v.give reluctantly同义词:pony upspit updischarge (phleg...
详细解释protestationn.(严正的)声明; 变形 复数:protestations 英英释义 protestation[ prute'stein, ,pr- ]n.a formal and solemn ...
详细解释technicalityn.专门性,学术性,技术性;术语;专门事项; 变形 复数:technicalities 英英释义 technicality[ ,tekni'klti ]n.a...
详细解释forcefuladj.强有力的;有说服力的;有效的;强劲英英释义 forceful[ 'f:sful ]adj.characterized by or full of force or stren...
详细解释palindromen.回文(指顺读和倒读都一样的词语); 变形 复数:palindromes 英英释义 palindrome[ 'plindrum ]n.a word or phrase...
详细解释monikern.名字,绰号; 变形 复数:monikers 英英释义 moniker[ 'mnik ]n.a familiar name for a person (often a shortened ver...
详细解释hoagien.英雄三明治; 变形 复数:hoagies 英英释义 hoagie[ 'hugi ]n.a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split leng...
详细解释valorn.(尤指战斗中的)勇猛,英勇;英英释义 valor[ 'vl ]n.the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic cour...
详细解释schizophrenian.[医]精神分裂症;矛盾;英英释义 schizophrenia[ ,skidzu'freni, ,skitsu- ]n.any of several psychotic disorde...
详细解释pretensen.借口;(无事实根据的)要求;自称;假装 变形 复数:pretenses 英英释义 pretense[ pri'tens, 'pri:t- ]n.the act of...
详细解释impotentadj.无力的;虚弱的;无效的;[医]阳痿的英英释义 impotent[ 'imptnt ]adj.lacking power or ability"Technology withou...
详细解释kindredn.亲戚关系;adj.同宗的;同源的;类似的;相似的英英释义 kindred[ 'kindrid ]n.group of people related by blood or m...
详细解释desistvi.停止; 变形 过去式:desisted过去分词:desisted现在分词:desisting第三人称单数:desists 英英释义 desist[ di'zist...
详细解释conformistn.英国国教徒;遵奉者;墨守成规的人; 变形 复数:conformists 英英释义 conformist[ kn'f:mist ]n.someone who conf...
详细解释oddballadj.古怪的;n.古怪的人; 变形 复数:oddballs 英英释义 oddball[ 'db:l ]n.a person with an unusual or odd personali...