共 28 个单词
游泳相关的的单词有【underwater swimming】【land drill】【bikini top】【treading water】【diving pool】【three-meter springboard】【five-meter platform】【swimming cap】【dolphin butterfly stroke】【crawl stroke】【swimming lane】【side stroke】【swimming pool with artificial waves】【touching the finishing line】【artificial waves】【bikini bottom】【ten-meter platform】【water ski】【diving platform】【non-swimmer's pool】【rope with cork floats】【butterfly stroke】【swimmer's pool】【swimming suit】【one-meter springboard】【starting dive】【back stroke】【starting block】等。
treading watern.踩水;英英释义 treading water n.a stroke that keeps the head above water by thrashing the legs and arms
详细解释swimming capn.泳帽; 变形 复数:swimming caps 英英释义 swimming cap n.a tight-fitting cap that keeps hair dry while swim...
详细解释side stroke释义侧击;英英释义 side stroke n.a swimming stroke in which the arms move forward and backward while the legs...
详细解释water skin.滑水橇;英英释义 water ski n.broad ski for skimming over water towed by a speedboatv.ride water skis
详细解释diving platform释义跳台;英英释义 Diving platformA competitive diving platform at an outdoor swimming pool.以上来源于:Wi...
详细解释butterfly stroken.蝶泳;英英释义 butterfly stroke n.a swimming stroke in which the arms are thrown forward together out ...
详细解释back stroke释义返回行[冲]程,逆行程;英英释义 back stroke n.a swimming stroke that resembles the crawl except the swimme...
详细解释starting blockn.起跑架; 变形 复数:starting blocks 英英释义 starting block n.block providing bracing for a runner's fee...