共 59 个单词
民航空乘英语相关的的单词有【sanitary napkin】【campari】【cassia bark】【cauterization】【percolator】【perrier】【masala】【platen】【aromatize】【hollowware】【hydrated】【aspartame】【vomitus】【slanting】【off load】【serviceability】【Bloody Mary】【sanitary pad】【drawstring】【decaffeinated】【airsickness】【halon】【pressurization】【life vest】【pilferage】【incapacitation】【satay】【toilet bowl】【vermicelli】【sommelier】【ad-hoc】【laryngoscope】【biometric】【brachial】【carotid】【collapsible】【hyperventilation】【hyperglycemia】【femoral】【conjunctivitis】等。
sanitary napkinn.(妇女经期用的)卫生棉; 变形 复数:sanitary napkins 英英释义 sanitary napkin n.a disposable absorbent ...
详细解释camparin.堪培利开胃酒;英英释义 CampariCampari is an alcoholic liqueur, considered an apritif (20.5%, 21%, 24%, 25%, or ...
详细解释cassia barkn.桂皮,肉桂;英英释义 cassia bark n.aromatic bark of the cassia-bark tree; less desirable as a spice than Ce...
详细解释cauterizationn.烧灼,腐蚀;英英释义 cauterizationn.the act of coagulating blood and destroying tissue with a hot iron or...
详细解释percolatorn.过滤器,抽出器; 变形 复数:percolators 英英释义 percolator[ 'p:kleit ]n.a coffeepot in which boiling water ...
详细解释masalan.马萨拉,五菱菜饺;英英释义 MASALAMASALA (Massachusetts Area South Asian Lambda Association) is a Boston-based or...
详细解释platenn.压盘,滚筒;压纸卷筒;台板;压板英英释义 platen[ 'pltn ]n.work table of a machine toolthe flat plate of a printi...
详细解释aromatizev.使芳香,加香味于; 变形 过去式:aromatized过去分词:aromatized现在分词:aromatizing第三人称单数:aromatizes 英...
详细解释hydratedadj.含水的,与水结合的;英英释义 hydrated[ 'haidreitid ]adj.containing combined water (especially water of cryst...
详细解释aspartamen.天(门)冬氨酰苯丙氨酸甲酯(一种约比蔗糖甜200倍的甜味剂);英英释义 aspartame[ 'sp:teim ]n.an artificial swee...
详细解释off load释义卸下;英英释义 off load v.transfer to a peripheral device, of computer data同义词:offloadtake the load off ...
详细解释serviceabilityn.有用性,适用性;可维护性;英英释义 serviceability[ ,s:vis'biliti ]n.the quality of being able to provide...
详细解释Bloody Maryn.(番茄汁掺伏特加的)血玛莉酒; 变形 复数:Bloody Marys 英英释义 Bloody Mary n.daughter of Henry VIII and Ca...
详细解释drawstringn.(穿在口袋或裤腰的)拉带,细绳; 变形 复数:drawstrings 英英释义 drawstring[ 'dr:stri ]n.a tie consisting of...
详细解释decaffeinatedadj.脱去咖啡因的;英英释义 decaffeinate[ di'kfineitid ]v.remove caffeine from (coffee)
详细解释airsicknessn.晕机;英英释义 airsickness[ 'siknis ]n.motion sickness experienced while traveling by air (especially durin...
详细解释halon释义卤化烷(常用以灭火);英英释义 halon[ 'heiln ]n.a compound in which the hydrogen atoms of a hydrocarbon have be...
详细解释pressurizationn.压力输送;挤压;气密;增压英英释义 PressurizationPressurization is the application of pressure in a give...
详细解释life vestn.救生衣;英英释义 life vest n.life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design...
详细解释pilferagen.行窃,偷盗;小偷小摸;英英释义 pilferage[ 'pilfrid ]n.the act of stealing small amounts or small articles
详细解释incapacitationn.无能力,使无能力,使无资格;英英释义 IncapacitationIncapacitation in the context of sentencing philosoph...
详细解释satayn.(马来西亚、印度尼西亚的)加香烤肉;英英释义 SataySatay (, ), or sate, is a dish of seasoned, skewered and grille...
详细解释toilet bowln.抽水马桶;英英释义 toilet bowl n.the bowl of a toilet that can be flushed with water
详细解释vermicellin.细面条,粉条;挂面;细条面;英英释义 vermicelli[ ,v:mi'seli ]n.pasta in strings thinner than spaghetti
详细解释sommeliern.斟酒服务员; 变形 复数:sommeliers 英英释义 sommelier[ 'smljei, ,sm'ljei ]n.a waiter who manages wine service...
详细解释ad-hocn.点对点;英英释义 ad-hocadj.often improvised or impromptu同义词:ad hocfor or concerned with one specific purpose...
详细解释laryngoscopen.喉镜,检喉镜;英英释义 laryngoscope[ l'rigskup ]n.a medical instrument for examining the larynx
详细解释brachialadj.臂的,臂状的;英英释义 brachial[ 'breikil ]adj.of or relating to an arm"brachial artery"
详细解释carotidn.& adj.颈动脉(的);英英释义 carotid[ k'rtid ]adj.of or relating to either of the two major arteries supplying ...
详细解释collapsibleadj.可折叠的,可拆卸的;英英释义 collapsible[ k'lpsbl ]adj.capable of collapsing or being collapsed"a collaps...
详细解释hyperventilationn.换气过度,强力呼吸;英英释义 hyperventilation[ 'haip,venti'lein ]n.an increased depth and rate of brea...
详细解释hyperglycemian.多糖症,高血糖症;英英释义 hyperglycemia[ ,haiplai'si:mi ]n.abnormally high blood sugar usually associate...
详细解释femoraladj.股骨的,大腿骨的,大腿的;n.股动脉;英英释义 femoral[ 'femrl ]adj.of or relating to or near the femur or thig...
详细解释conjunctivitisn.结膜炎;英英释义 conjunctivitis[ kn,dkti'vaitis ]n.inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye同义词:pin...