共 60 个单词
核能工程专业英语相关的的单词有【thermal reactor】【Curie】【heavy water】【fluence】【blowdown】【thermal neutron】【bremsstrahlung】【pressurized water reactor】【half-life】【radiation damage】【feedwater】【enriched uranium】【self-sustaining】【semi-permeable】【austenitic】【boric acid】【depleted uranium】【deoxidizer】【cooldown】【rpm】【fouling】【economizer】【criticality】【cladding】【carbide】【enthalpy】【nucleon】【photoelectric effect】【azimuthal】【be referred to as】【Specific heat】【thermocouple】【thorium】【condensate】【lashing】【transmutation】【tapered】【accumulator】【attenuation】【radiological】等。
thermal reactor释义热反应堆;英英释义 thermal reactor n.a nuclear reactor in which nuclear fissions are caused by neutro...
详细解释Curien.居里夫人(Marie Curie,1867-1934,法国物理学家、化学家);(c-)居里(放射性强度单位);英英释义 Curie[ 'kjuri ]n.Fren...
详细解释heavy water释义重水;英英释义 heavy water n.water containing a substantial proportion of deuterium atoms, used in nuclea...
详细解释fluencen.(神秘的)影响;英英释义 FluenceIn physics, fluence is the flux (either particle or radiative flux) integrated ...
详细解释blowdownn.(尤指发电厂中核反应堆冷却管的)突然爆裂;大风暴;吹除;排放英英释义 BlowdownBlowdown is an internationally br...
详细解释bremsstrahlungn.轫致辐射;英英释义 BremsstrahlungBremsstrahlung (, from "to brake"and "radiation", i.e.以上来源于:Wikipe...
详细解释pressurized water reactor释义压水式反应堆;英英释义 pressurized water reactor n.a nuclear reactor that uses water as a c...
详细解释half-lifen.半衰期; 变形 复数:half-lives 英英释义 half-life[ 'h:flaif ]n.the time required for something to fall to hal...
详细解释radiation damagen.辐射损伤;辐射性损伤;英英释义 Radiation damageRadiation damage is a term associated with ionizing rad...
详细解释enriched uranium释义浓缩铀;英英释义 Enriched uraniumEnriched uranium is a type of uranium in which the percent composit...
详细解释self-sustainingadj.自立的,自谋生活的;英英释义 self-sustaining[ 'selfss'teini ]adj.able to provide for your own needs w...
详细解释semi-permeableadj.半渗透的;英英释义 semi-permeableadj.(of a membrane) selectively permeable同义词:semipermeable
详细解释austeniticadj.奥氏体的;英英释义 austenitic[ ,sti'nitik ]adj.composed of austenite"austenitic alloy steel"
详细解释boric acidn.硼酸;英英释义 boric acid n.a white or colorless slightly acid solid that is soluble in water and ethanol; u...
详细解释depleted uranium释义贫化铀;英英释义 Depleted uraniumDepleted uranium (DU; also referred to in the past as Q-metal, depl...
详细解释deoxidizern.去氧剂,还元剂;英英释义 DeoxidizerA deoxidizer is a chemical compound used in a reaction or process to remo...
详细解释cooldownv.变凉,平静下来;英英释义 CooldownCooldown is, in numerous video games, the minimum length of time that the pla...
详细解释rpmabbr.revolutions per minute 转数/分;英英释义 rpm[ ,a: pi: 'em ]n.rate of revolution of a motor同义词:revolutions pe...
详细解释economizern.节约者,节约装置,经济家; 变形 复数:economizers 英英释义 economizer[ i'knmaiz ]n.a frugal person who limit...
详细解释criticalityn.危险程度;临界;英英释义 criticality[ ,kriti'klti ]n.a state of critical urgency同义词:criticalnesscrucial...
详细解释claddingn.覆层;v.穿衣的( clad的现在分词 );覆盖的;英英释义 cladding[ 'kldi ]n.a protective covering that protects the ...
详细解释carbiden.碳化物;硬质合金;英英释义 carbiden.a binary compound of carbon with a more electropositive element
详细解释enthalpyn.[热]焓;[物]热函;热含量;英英释义 enthalpy[ en'lpi ]n.(thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity equal to the ...
详细解释nucleonn.核子;英英释义 nucleon[ 'nju:klin ]n.a constituent (proton or neutron) of an atomic nucleus
详细解释photoelectric effect释义光电效应;英英释义 Photoelectric effectIn the photoelectric effect, electrons are emitted from s...
详细解释Specific heatn.比热;英英释义 Specific heat n.the heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one ...
详细解释thoriumn.钍;英英释义 thorium[ ':rim, 'u- ]n.a soft silvery-white tetravalent radioactive metallic element; isotope 232 ...
详细解释condensaten.冷凝物;英英释义 condensate[ kn'denseit ]n.atmospheric moisture that has condensed because of cold同义词:co...
详细解释transmutationn.变形,变化; 变形 复数:transmutations 英英释义 transmutation[ ,trnzmju:'tein, ,trns-, ,tr:n- ]n.an act t...
详细解释tapered释义锥形的,渐缩的;英英释义 tapered[ 'teipd ]adj.gradually narrowed toward a point同义词:taperingbecoming gradu...
详细解释accumulatorn.蓄电池,积聚者;蓄势器;收集器;蓄电池组英英释义 accumulator[ 'kju:mjuleit ]n.a person who is employed to c...
详细解释attenuationn.变薄;弄细;稀薄化;减少英英释义 attenuation[ ,tenju'ein ]n.weakening in force or intensity"attenuation in ...
详细解释radiologicaladj.放射学的,(应用)辐射学的;英英释义 radiological[ ,reidiu'ldikl ]adj.of or relating to radiology