共 89 个单词
本科系统解剖学英文单词相关的的单词有【pectoralis major】【thoracic vertebrae】【thoracic cage】【metacarpal bone】【metatarsal bone】【ankle joint】【arthrology】【vertebral column】【pubic symphysis】【knee joint】【synosteosis】【wrist joint】【atrioventricular node】【atrioventricular bundle】【fasciculus cuneatus】【vena】【semicircular canal】【serratus anterior】【chorda】【ciliary body】【ejaculatory】【sublingual gland】【saphenous】【mitral valve】【geniculate】【musculocutaneous】【angiology】【digestive tract】【spinothalamic】【adductor】【paraumbilical】【gluteus】【cerebrospinal fluid】【ganglia】【renal hilum】【fasciculus gracilis】【tricuspid valve】【sartorius】【burse】【sinuatrial node】等。
pectoralis major释义[解剖]胸大肌;英英释义 pectoralis major n.a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm同义词:...
详细解释thoracic vertebrae释义胸椎;英英释义 Thoracic vertebraeIn vertebrates, thoracic vertebrae compose the middle segment of ...
详细解释metacarpal bone释义掌骨;英英释义 metacarpal bone n.any bone of the hand between the wrist and fingers同义词:metacarpal
详细解释ankle joint释义踝关节;英英释义 ankle joint n.a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the pr...
详细解释arthrologyn.关节学;英英释义 ArthrologyArthrology is the science concerned with the anatomy, function, dysfunction and t...
详细解释vertebral columnn.脊柱;英英释义 vertebral column n.the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protect...
详细解释pubic symphysis释义耻骨联合;英英释义 Pubic symphysisThe pubic symphysis or symphysis pubis is the midline cartilaginous...
详细解释knee jointn.膝关节,弯头结合,肘接;英英释义 knee joint n.hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula w...
详细解释wrist joint释义桡腕关节;英英释义 wrist joint n.a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of car...
详细解释atrioventricular node释义房室结,田原氏结;英英释义 atrioventricular node n.a node of specialized heart muscle located i...
详细解释atrioventricular bundle释义房室束;英英释义 atrioventricular bundle n.a bundle of modified heart muscle that transmits t...
详细解释venan.静脉; 变形 复数:venae 英英释义 vena[ 'vi:n ]n.a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the ...
详细解释semicircular canaln.(内耳的)半规管;英英释义 semicircular canal n.one of three tube loops filled with fluid and in pla...
详细解释serratus anterior释义前锯肌;英英释义 serratus anterior n.muscles that rotate the scapula and elevate the rib cage同义词...
详细解释chordan.索,腱;英英释义 ChordaChorda is a genus of thalloid brown algae including two species. Its members are known by...
详细解释ciliary body释义睫状体;英英释义 ciliary body n.the part of the tunic of the eye between the choroid coat and the iris
详细解释sublingual glandn.舌下腺;英英释义 sublingual gland n.a small salivary gland that produces mucin (the viscous component ...
详细解释mitral valven.僧帽瓣,二尖瓣;英英释义 mitral valve n.valve with two cusps; situated between the left atrium and the lef...
详细解释angiologyn.血管学,血管淋巴学;英英释义 angiology[ ,ndi'ldi ]n.the branch of medical science that studies the blood and ...
详细解释digestive tract释义消化管;消化道;英英释义 digestive tract n.tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending ab...
详细解释adductorn.内收肌;英英释义 adductor[ 'dkt ]n.a muscle that draws a body part toward the median line同义词:adductor musc...
详细解释gluteusn.臀肌; 变形 复数:glutei 英英释义 gluteus[ 'lu:tis ]n.any one of three large skeletal muscles that form the but...
详细解释cerebrospinal fluid释义脑脊髓液;英英释义 cerebrospinal fluid n.clear liquid produced in the ventricles of the brain; fi...
详细解释tricuspid valve释义三尖瓣;英英释义 tricuspid valve n.valve with three cusps; situated between the right atrium and the ...
详细解释sartoriusn.裁缝机; 变形 复数:sartorii 英英释义 sartorius[ s:'t:ris ]n.a muscle in the thigh that helps to rotate the l...
详细解释bursen.钱包,(尤指大学的)金库,(苏格兰大学的)奖学金;英英释义 BurseBurse is a surname. Notable people with the surna...