共 59 个单词
服装相关的的单词有【divided skirt】【bowler hat】【town clothes】【rope soled shoes】【knickerbockers】【morning coat】【full dress uniform】【peaked cap】【jelab】【dust coat】【stays】【middy blouse】【wing collar】【acryl】【three-quarter coat】【short trousers】【round-neck sweater】【roll-neck sweater】【slippers】【detachable collar】【natural fabric】【tails】【panama hat】【cap with a visor】【rompers】【garments】【turnup】【formal dress】【split skirt】【broad-brimmed straw hat】【jellaba】【suspenders】【fur stole】【flower pattern】【patterns】【suspender belt】【twinset】【short-sleeved sweater】【patent leather shoes】【djellaba】等。
bowler hatn.圆顶硬礼帽; 变形 复数:bowler hats 英英释义 bowler hat n.a felt hat that is round and hard with a narrow br...
详细解释knickerbockersn.灯笼裤;英英释义 knickerbockers[ 'nikbkz ]n.trousers ending above the knee同义词:breechesknee breechesk...
详细解释morning coat释义大礼服;晨礼服;英英释义 morning coat n.a man's full-dress jacket with two long tapering tails at the ba...
详细解释peaked cap释义尖顶帽;鸭舌帽;英英释义 peaked cap n.a cap with a flat circular top and a visor同义词:kepiservice capyac...
详细解释dust coat释义风衣;英英释义 dust coat n.a loose coverall (coat or frock) reaching down to the ankles同义词:dustergaberd...
详细解释slippersn.拖鞋( slipper的名词复数 );英英释义 slipper[ 'slipz ]n.low footwear that can be slipped on and off easily; usu...
详细解释detachable collar释义假领,活领;英英释义 Detachable collarA starched-stiff detachable wing collar from Luke Eyres.以上来...
详细解释panama hatn.巴拿马(式)草帽; 变形 复数:panama hats 英英释义 panama hat n.a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown同...
详细解释rompersn.连裤童装;英英释义 romper[ 'rmpz ]n.a person who romps or frolicsa one-piece garment for children to wear at pl...
详细解释garmentsn.服装,衣着;(一件)衣服( garment的名词复数 ); 双语释义n.(名词)[C](一件)衣服 an article of clothing 英英释义 ...
详细解释turnupn.翻起物,卷起的部分;adj.被翻起的,被卷起的,翘起的;英英释义 turnup[ 't:np ]n.the lap consisting of a turned-bac...
详细解释jellaban.带风帽的外衣;英英释义 jellaba[ 'delb ]n.a loose cloak with a hood; worn in the Middle East and northern Africa
详细解释suspender beltn.吊袜腰带; 变形 复数:suspender belts 英英释义 suspender belt n.a wide belt of elastic with supporters h...
详细解释twinsetn.两件套,运动衫裤; 变形 复数:twinsets 英英释义 TwinsetA twinset, twin set or sweater-set is a matching set of ...