共 2755 个单词
有本单词书高中学习版相关的的单词有【make someone's way】【upper-class】【in vogue】【remind someone of something】【make peace with】【family reunion】【defend from】【office building】【well-behaved】【earn a living】【nervous about】【on strike】【line of work】【dormant volcano】【seism】【active volcano】【extinct volcano】【base upon】【radio wave】【concert hall】【vice verse】【one-way ticket】【peer pressure】【volcanic eruption】【solar eclipse】【go beyond】【running water】【rest upon】【pull back】【cannot help】【aesop】【just as】【push through】【crise】【straight away】【build on】【mean to】【in use】【be charged with】【throw into】等。
upper-classadj.上流社会的,中学(或高等学校)三年级的,四年级的;英英释义 upper-class[ 'p'kl:s, -'kls ]n.the class occup...
详细解释in vogue释义正时兴,正在流行;英英释义 in vogue adj.in the current fashion or style同义词:latesta la mode(p)in style(p)...
详细解释family reunion释义合家团圆;英英释义 Family ReunionFamily Reunion is a 1975 album by American R&B group The O'Jays.以上来...
详细解释office buildingn.办公楼;英英释义 office building n.a building containing offices where work is done同义词:office block
详细解释well-behavedadj.行为端正的;(电脑程序)多种机体通用的;饬;乖乖英英释义 well-behaved[ 'welbi'heivd ]adj.(usually of chi...
详细解释line of work英英释义 line of work n.the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money同义词:occupationbusin...
详细解释seismn.地震;英英释义 seism[ 'saizm, -sm ]n.shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground...
详细解释radio waven.无线电波;英英释义 radio wave n.an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between 0.5 cm to 30,000 m同义词:...
详细解释one-way ticketn.单程票;英英释义 One Way TicketOne Way Ticket is a 2008 Malayalam film by Bipin Prabhakar starring Prith...
详细解释peer pressure释义同辈压力;同侪压力;同龄人压力;英英释义 Peer Pressure"Peer Pressure"is the first single from Mobb Deep...
详细解释volcanic eruption释义火山爆发;英英释义 volcanic eruption n.the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and vo...
详细解释running watern.流水,活水;自来水;英英释义 Running Water"Running Water"is a 1984 single by The Moody Blues guitarist Ju...
详细解释pull back释义(使)(某人,尤指一组士兵)撤出阵地;英英释义 pull back n.a device (as a decorative loop of cord or fabric...
详细解释push through释义(使)穿过;努力完成;英英释义 push through v.break out同义词:eruptcome outbreak through
详细解释straight away释义立即;马上;英英释义 straight away n.a straight segment of a roadway or racecourse同义词:straightaways...
详细解释build on释义在原有的建筑物上增建;以…为基础;依赖;一心指望英英释义 build on v.be based on; of theories and claims, for...
详细解释in use释义在使用中;英英释义 in use adj.(of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone e...