共 2755 个单词
有本单词书高中学习版相关的的单词有【at sunrise】【over here】【in town】【be certain of】【on land】【make a note of】【in the beginning】【make an excuse】【that is to say】【master's degree】【do exercise】【go well with】【strong-minded】【upholder】【ill-mannered】【ballpoint pen】【put on a performance】【struggle against】【telephone box】【from mouth to mouth】【save for】【take a look at】【be noted for】【hold together】【be enthusiastic about】【in shape】【prey on】【be anxious to】【be free of】【make way for】【treat as】【be loaded with】【suit to】【the forbidden city】【be typical of】【tourist spot】【introduce into】【with a view to】【be qualified for】【argue against】等。
in town释义在城里,在伦敦;英英释义 In TownIn Town is a musical comedy written by Adrian Ross and James T. Tanner, with ...
详细解释on land释义旱;英英释义 on land adv.towards the shore from the water同义词:ashoretoward landonto land
详细解释in the beginning释义起初,首先;英英释义 in the beginning adv.with reference to the origin or beginning同义词:primitive...
详细解释that is to say释义即;就是;换句话说;更确切地说英英释义 that is to say adv.as follows同义词:namelyviz.videlicet
详细解释master's degreen.硕士学位; 变形 复数:master's degrees 英英释义 master's degree n.an academic degree higher than a bach...
详细解释strong-mindedadj.意志坚强的,有主见的;英英释义 strong-minded[ 'str'maindid, 'str:- ]adj.having a determined will同义词:...
详细解释upholdern.抬高者;支撑物;链钩;绳钩 变形 复数:upholders 英英释义 upholder[ p'huld ]n.someone who upholds or maintains"...
详细解释ill-manneredadj.态度恶劣的,粗野的;英英释义 ill-mannered[ 'il'mnd ]adj.socially incorrect in behavior同义词:bad-manner...
详细解释ballpoint penn.原子笔;英英释义 ballpoint pen n.a pen that has a small metal ball as the point of transfer of ink to pap...
详细解释telephone box释义电话亭; 变形 复数:telephone boxes 英英释义 telephone box n.booth for using a telephone同义词:telepho...
详细解释the forbidden cityn.故宫;英英释义 The Forbidden CityThe Forbidden City is the second book in the World of Lone Wolf boo...