共 79 个单词
papeete释义帕皮提(南太平洋法属波利尼西亚首府);英英释义 papeete[ ,p:pi:'eitei ]n.the capital of French Polynesia on th...
详细解释cheque-bookn.支票簿;英英释义 cheque-bookn.a book issued to holders of checking accounts同义词:checkbookchequebook
详细解释taciturnityn.沉默寡言;默示;英英释义 taciturnity[ ,tsi't:n-ti ]n.the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering a...
详细解释slatternlyadj.不自检点的,自甘堕落的;英英释义 slatternly[ 'slt:nli, -tnli ]adj.characteristic of or befitting a slut or...
详细解释chimneypiecen.壁炉架; 变形 复数:chimneypieces 英英释义 chimneypiecen.shelf that projects from wall above fireplace"in ...
详细解释admonitoryadj.劝告的,训诫的;轻责的;英英释义 admonitory[ d'mnitri ]adj.serving to warn同义词:cautionaryexemplarymonit...
详细解释dadon.护墙板,台座; 变形 复数:dados 英英释义 dado[ 'deidu ]n.panel forming the lower part of an interior wall when it ...
详细解释dagn.悬片[端];英英释义 dag[ d ]n.10 grams同义词:dekagramdecagramdkga flap along the edge of a garment; used in medieva...
详细解释picaresqueadj.以歹徒为题材的;n.歹徒;英英释义 picaresque[ ,pik'resk, ,pi:- ]adj.involving clever rogues or adventurers ...
详细解释bedewvt.沾湿; 变形 过去式:bedewed过去分词:bedewed现在分词:bedewing第三人称单数:bedews 英英释义 bedew[ bi'dju: ]v.co...
详细解释delftn.代夫特(荷兰城市)陶器;英英释义 delft[ delft, 'delftw ]n.a style of glazed earthenware; usually white with blue ...
详细解释besettingadj.不断攻击的;v.困扰( beset的现在分词 );不断围攻;镶;嵌英英释义 beset[ bi'seti ]v.annoy continually or chro...
详细解释concertinan.类似风琴的六角形的乐器; 变形 复数:concertinas 英英释义 concertina[ ,kns'ti:n ]n.coiled barbed wire used as...
详细解释connubialadj.婚姻的,夫妇的,配偶的;英英释义 connubial[ k'nu:bil ]adj.of or relating to marriage or to the relationship...
详细解释resiliencyn.跳回,弹性;英英释义 resiliency[ ri'zilinsi, -jnsi ]n.an occurrence of rebounding or springing back同义词:r...
详细解释copran.(用于榨油的)干椰子肉;椰干;英英释义 copra[ 'kpr ]n.the dried meat of the coconut from which oil is extracted
详细解释umbrageousadj.多荫的;英英释义 umbrageous[ m'breids ]adj.filled with shade"cool umbrageous woodlands"同义词:shadyshadow...
详细解释flippancyn.无礼;轻率;无礼的行动(或言语);轻率的行动(或言语)英英释义 flippancy[ 'flipnsi ]n.inappropriate levity同义...
详细解释levantvi.躲债,逃赌债;英英释义 levant[ li'vnt ]n.a heavy morocco often used in bookbinding同义词:Levant moroccothe for...
详细解释entombmentn.埋葬,埋没;英英释义 entombmentn.the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave同义词:burialinhumationinterments...
详细解释doggoadv.静静躲藏着地,一动也不动地;英英释义 doggo[ 'du ]adv.quietly in concealment"he lay doggo"同义词:out of sightin...
详细解释proprietressn.女所有人,女业主; 变形 复数:proprietresses 英英释义 proprietress[ pr'p-raitris ]n.a woman proprietor
详细解释crotonn.巴豆;英英释义 croton[ 'krutn ]n.grown in many varieties for their brightly colored foliage; widely cultivated a...
详细解释kemptadj.整洁的,梳理好的;英英释义 kempt[ kempt ]adj.(of hair) neat and tidy"a nicely kempt beard"同义词:tidy
详细解释ewern.大口水壶,水罐; 变形 复数:ewers 英英释义 ewer[ 'ju(:) ]n.an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring同...
详细解释docilityn.容易教,易驾驶,驯服;英英释义 docility[ du'silti ]n.the trait of being agreeably submissive and manageable
详细解释scrofulousadj.堕落的,淋巴结核的;英英释义 scrofulous[ 'skrfjuls ]adj.afflicted with scrofulamorally contaminated"denoun...
详细解释genialityn.和蔼,亲切,友好;英英释义 geniality[ ,di:ni'lti ]n.a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to ta...
详细解释plumpness释义饱满度;英英释义 plumpness[ 'plmpnis ]n.the bodily property of being well rounded同义词:embonpointroundnes...
详细解释disapprobationn.不答应,非难,不赞成;英英释义 disapprobation[ dispru'bein ]n.an expression of strong disapproval; prono...
详细解释scintillationn.闪烁(过程或状态);(星辰的)闪烁;(物质中由电离子等造成的)闪烁;一闪英英释义 scintillation[ ,sinti'le...
详细解释habilimentn.服装,装饰,制服; 变形 复数:habiliments 英英释义 habiliment[ h'bilimnt ]n.a covering designed to be worn o...
详细解释thebesn.底比斯(古希腊Boeotia的主要城邦);英英释义 thebes[ i:bz ]n.an ancient Egyptian city on the Nile River that flou...
详细解释knockaboutadj.粗用的,喧闹的,到处闲荡的;n.闹剧,小游艇,流浪汉;英英释义 knockabout[ 'nkbaut ]n.a sloop with a simplif...