共 31 个单词
暗黑破坏神游戏词汇相关的的单词有【brogan】【telekinesis】【lycanthropy】【moppet】【bezoar】【gul】【cuirass】【casque】【teleport】【oculus】【cutlass】【creeper】【tabard】【coif】【hauberk】【scimitar】【onyx】【knockback】【Druid】【immolate】【golem】【cupola】【martial art】【epaulet】【mage】【targe】【falchion】【buckler】【bracer】【shiv】【cranium】等。
brogann.粗而坚固的短鞋;英英释义 brogan[ 'brun ]n.a thick and heavy shoe同义词:brogueclodhopperwork shoe
详细解释telekinesisn.心灵促动,心灵遥感;遥动;英英释义 telekinesis[ ,teliki'ni:sis, -kai- ]n.the power to move something by thi...
详细解释lycanthropyn.(民间传说)把人化为狼的神通,变狼狂(一种精神病);英英释义 lycanthropy[ lai'knrpi ]n.(folklore) the magic...
详细解释moppetn.(可爱的)小孩,小娃娃,小女孩;英英释义 moppet[ 'mpit ]n.a little girl (usually one you are fond of)
详细解释bezoarn.胃[肠]石,牛黄;英英释义 BezoarBezoar was the first official Conelrad release to date. It was released on April ...
详细解释guln.蔷薇属植物;英英释义 GulA gul is a medallion-like design element typical of traditional hand-woven carpets associat...
详细解释cuirassn.胸甲,铁甲;妇女的胸衣;英英释义 cuirass[ kwi'rs ]n.medieval body armor that covers the chest and back
详细解释casquen.盔;头盔;英英释义 casque[ ksk ]n.(15-16th century) any armor for the head; usually ornate without a visor
详细解释cutlassn.短剑,弯刀; 变形 复数:cutlasses 英英释义 cutlass[ 'ktls ]n.a short heavy curved sword with one edge; formerly...
详细解释creepern.蔓生植物;攀缘植物; 变形 复数:creepers 英英释义 creepern.any plant (as ivy or periwinkle) that grows by creep...
详细解释tabardn.无袖短外套,传令官制服;垂旌;英英释义 tabard[ 'tbd, -b:d ]n.a short sleeveless outer tunic emblazoned with a ...
详细解释coifn.盖以头巾,戴紧帽; 变形 过去式:coifedcoiffed过去分词:coifedcoiffed现在分词:coifingcoiffing第三人称单数:coifs 英...
详细解释hauberkn.锁子甲;英英释义 hauberk[ 'h:b:k ]n.a long (usually sleeveless) tunic of chain mail formerly worn as defensive ...
详细解释scimitarn.弯刀,半月形刀; 变形 复数:scimitars 英英释义 scimitar[ 'simit ]n.a curved oriental saber; the edge is on the...
详细解释onyxn.缟玛瑙;爪甲;石华;英英释义 onyx[ 'niks ]n.a chalcedony with alternating black and white bands; used in making ca...
详细解释Druidn.督伊德教的祭司; 变形 复数:Druids 英英释义 Druid[ 'dru:id ]n.a pre-Christian priest among the Celts of ancient G...
详细解释immolatevt.宰杀…作祭品; 变形 过去式:immolated过去分词:immolated现在分词:immolating第三人称单数:immolates 英英释义 ...
详细解释golemn.(16世纪希伯来传说中的)有生命的假人;英英释义 golem[ 'ulem ]n.(Jewish folklore) an artificially created human bein...
详细解释cupolan.炮塔; 变形 复数:cupolas 英英释义 cupola[ 'kju:pl ]n.a vertical cylindrical furnace for melting iron for castin...
详细解释martial artn.武术,技击; 变形 复数:martial arts 英英释义 martial art n.any of several Oriental arts of weaponless self...
详细解释epauletn.(军服上的)肩章;英英释义 epaulet[ 'eplet, ,ep'let ]n.adornment consisting of an ornamental cloth pad worn on ...
详细解释magen.魔术师,博学者;英英释义 MageMage is an American superhero comic book written and illustrated by Matt Wagner. Thre...
详细解释targen.(尤指步兵等用的)圆盾;英英释义 TargeTarge (from Old Franconian *targa "shield", Proto-Germanic *targo "border")...
详细解释falchionn.(中世纪的)略具弯形的大刀,刀,剑;英英释义 falchion[ 'f:ltn ]n.a short broad slightly convex medieval sword ...
详细解释bracern.勒紧的人,保护带;护腕;英英释义 bracer[ 'breis ]n.a protective covering for the wrist or arm that is used in ar...