共 1456 个单词
新闻英语分类词汇相关的的单词有【hard labor】【spot market】【spongiform】【squad car】【detached house】【rearmament】【reception room】【redcap】【red letter】【political prisoner】【Police post】【poet laureate】【community spirit】【Communist Party】【commodity price】【competitive price】【community center】【communication center】【Concept Art】【comprehensive school】【fancy dress】【concessionary】【farewell banquet】【fastball】【favorable balance of trade】【fat farm】【fashion plate】【federal judge】【federal court】【Federal Reserve Bank】【fence sitting】【lake district】【lake poets】【labour force】【Easy does it】【Eisenhower】【East End】【economic strain】【economic take-off】【economic sanction】等。
hard labor释义强迫劳役;英英释义 Hard LaborHard Labor is the eleventh album by American rock band Three Dog Night, relea...
详细解释spot marketn.现货市场;英英释义 spot market n.a market in which a commodity is bought or sold for immediate delivery or ...
详细解释squad carn.警察巡逻车; 变形 复数:squad cars 英英释义 squad car n.a car in which policemen cruise the streets; equipped...
详细解释detached house释义独立式住宅;单门独户;英英释义 detached house n.a house that stands alone同义词:single dwelling
详细解释rearmamentn.重整军备,改良装备;英英释义 rearmament[ ,ri:':mmnt ]n.the act of arming again"he opposed the rearmament of ...
详细解释reception roomn.接待室,会客室; 变形 复数:reception rooms 英英释义 reception room n.a room for receiving and entertain...
详细解释political prisonern.政治犯; 变形 复数:political prisoners 英英释义 political prisoner n.someone who is imprisoned beca...
详细解释poet laureaten.桂冠诗人; 变形 复数:poets laureatepoet laureates 英英释义 poet laureate n.a poet who is unofficially re...
详细解释Communist Party英英释义 Communist Party n.a political party that actively advocates a communist form of government; in C...
详细解释community centern.社区活动中心(供社区居民开会、娱乐、休闲等的建筑物);英英释义 community center n.a center where the m...
详细解释Concept Art释义概念艺术(着重反映创作家一时形成的概念的一种艺术);英英释义 Concept artExample of concept design workflo...
详细解释comprehensive schooln.(招收学生装不分资质的)综合中学;英英释义 comprehensive school n.a large British or Canadian seco...
详细解释fancy dressn.化装舞会所穿着的服装;英英释义 fancy dress n.a costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party同义词:masq...
详细解释fastballn.(投手投出的)快球;英英释义 fastball[ 'fa:stb:l ]n.(baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity"he swung l...
详细解释fat farm释义减肥疗养地;英英释义 fat farm n.a health spa that specializes in helping people lose weight
详细解释fashion platen.时装样片,穿着时髦的人;英英释义 fashion plate n.a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearanc...
详细解释federal judge释义[法] 联邦法官;英英释义 Federal judgeFederal judges are judges appointed by a federal level of governme...
详细解释federal court释义[法] 联邦法院;英英释义 federal court n.a court establish by the authority of a federal government
详细解释Federal Reserve Bankn.(美国)联邦储备银行;英英释义 Federal Reserve Bank of 12 regional banks that monitor and ac...
详细解释lake district释义湖区;英英释义 lake district n.a popular tourist area in northwestern England including England's large...
详细解释lake poetsn.湖畔(派)诗人(18世纪末到19世纪初英国消极浪漫主义诗歌流派);英英释义 lake poets n.English poets at the begin...
详细解释Easy does it释义[尤在口语中]小心行事;从容图之;不着急,不着忙;英英释义 Easy Does ItEasy Does It is the third studio al...
详细解释Eisenhowern.艾森豪威尔(Dwight David 1890-1969,美国第三十四任总统(1953-1961));英英释义 Eisenhower[ 'aizn,hau ]n.United ...
详细解释East Endn.(英国)伦敦东区,东伦敦;英英释义 East EndThe East End is a neighborhood of the city of Waterbury, Connecticu...