共 1456 个单词
新闻英语分类词汇相关的的单词有【sanitary ware】【salad days】【sanitary towel】【salt of the earth】【scrapyard】【scrappage】【Scene stealer】【securities market】【second lieutenant】【seajack】【seafront】【search party】【second-in-command】【Calling card】【Camp David】【seed money】【seed capital】【capital account】【Capitol Hill】【capital equipment】【capital investment】【capital-intensive】【capital construction】【service industry】【sex appeal】【Shangri-La】【shakeup】【package plan】【carrier pigeon】【carrot and stick】【case law】【Cathay】【shelling】【short fuse】【palmary】【Short sale】【panic buying】【shotgun marriage】【Show people】【chain smoker】等。
salad daysn.少不更事的时期,创作家等的最佳时期;英英释义 salad days n.the best time of youth同义词:bloombloom of youth
详细解释salt of the earth释义社会中坚;优秀的公民[《马太福音》5:13];英英释义 Salt of the EarthSalt Of The Earth is the second ...
详细解释Scene stealer英英释义 Scene stealer actor who draws more attention than other actors in the same scene同义词:scene...
详细解释securities market释义证券市场;英英释义 securities market exchange where security trading is conducted by professio...
详细解释second lieutenantn.少尉; 变形 复数:second lieutenants 英英释义 second lieutenant n.a commissioned officer in the army ...
详细解释seafrontn.海岸区,海滨区; 变形 复数:seafronts 英英释义 seafront[ 'si:frnt ]n.the waterfront of a seaside town
详细解释search partyn.搜索救援组; 变形 复数:search parties 英英释义 search party n.a party of people to search for someone
详细解释second-in-commandn.(尤指军队的)副司令员,副指挥员,第二把手;英英释义 second-in-command[ 'sekndink'm:nd, -'mnd ]n.some...
详细解释Calling cardn.名片; 变形 复数:calling cards 英英释义 Calling card n.a card that is used instead of cash to make teleph...
详细解释Camp David释义[法]戴维营;[地名] [美国] 戴维营;英英释义 Camp David n.retreat northwest of Washington used by the presid...
详细解释seed money释义种子基金;英英释义 seed money needed to set up a new business or enterprise
详细解释capital accountn.固定资产账户,资本性账户; 变形 复数:capital accounts 英英释义 capital account n.(economics) that part...
详细解释Capitol Hill释义国会山(指美国国会);英英释义 Capitol Hill n.a hill in Washington, D.C., where the Capitol Building sit...
详细解释service industryn.服务行业; 变形 复数:service industries 英英释义 service industry industry that provides service...
详细解释sex appealn.性感,吸引力;[俚语] 魅力;英英释义 sex appeal n.attractiveness to the opposite sex同义词:desirabilitydesir...
详细解释;英英释义 Shangri-La[ 'gri'la: ]n.any place of complete bliss and delight and peace同义词:Edenpara...
详细解释shakeupshakeup['eikp]n.摇动;抖摇震惊;打扰激励,鼓舞[美国英语]大改组;(政策等的)剧变 英英释义 shakeupn.the imposition o...
详细解释carrot and stickadj.胡萝卜加大棒的;软硬兼施的;英英释义 Carrot and stickCarrot and Stick Approach (also "carrot or stic...
详细解释case lawn.判例法;英英释义 case law n.a system of jurisprudence based on judicial precedents rather than statutory laws同...
详细解释shellingn.去壳,去皮;皮磨;拾贝壳; 变形 复数:shellings 英英释义 shelling[ 'eli ]n.the heavy fire of artillery to satu...
详细解释Short salen.卖空;英英释义 Short sale of securities or commodity futures not owned by the seller (who hopes to bu...
详细解释panic buying释义恐慌购买;英英释义 Panic buyingPanic buying is an imprecise common use term to describe the act of peopl...
详细解释chain smokern.连续抽烟的人;英英释义 chain smoker n.a heavy smoker (usually of cigarettes) who lights one off of another...