共 63 个单词
新课标中考英语中考词汇一本通升级版相关的的单词有【spend time doing】【think twice about】【three-d】【eider】【star sign】【of someone's own】【any time】【local colour】【say to oneself】【have pity on】【power cut】【call someone back】【open space】【green with envy】【on the weekend】【cut in on】【on someone's mind】【art form】【in your dreams】【at the speed of】【less and less】【junior high】【don't mention it】【music video】【senior high】【South African】【play the role of】【soon after】【my pleasure】【dried food】【shake sb's hand】【go to hospital】【in someone's way】【south-west】【DIY】【up to standard】【one-to-one】【chinese knot】【by ship】【action film】等。
three-d释义立体电影;英英释义 three-dn.a movie with images having three dimensional form or appearance同义词:3-D3Dhavin...
详细解释eidern.绒鸭,绒鸭的绒毛;英英释义 eider[ 'aid ]n.duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of t...
详细解释star signn.星座; 变形 复数:star signs 英英释义 star sign n.(astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is ...
详细解释any time释义在任何时候;随便什么时候;英英释义 Anytime"Anytime"is a song by the American dance-pop sibling group, The Je...
详细解释open space释义露天场所,空地(特指城市中没有建筑物的空地);英英释义 Open SpaceOpen Space was begun in 1988 in a collabo...
详细解释art formn.艺术形式; 变形 复数:art forms 英英释义 art form n.(architecture) a form of artistic expression (such as writ...
详细解释in your dreams释义[用于口语]梦中才有的;英英释义 In Your DreamsIn Your Dreams is a fantasy novel by the British novelist...
详细解释less and less释义越来越小[少]地;英英释义 Less and LessLess and Less (more completely Less and Less & I Don't Love You A...
详细解释junior highn.初中; 变形 复数:junior highs 英英释义 junior high n.a secondary school usually including 7th and 8th grad...
详细解释music video释义音乐影片;英英释义 Music videoA music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery,...
详细解释senior high英英释义 senior high n.a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12同义词:senior high sch...
详细解释South Africanadj.南非的,南非人的;英英释义 South African n.a native or inhabitant of South Africaadj.of or pertaining t...
详细解释south-westn.西南;西南方;西南部;西南风英英释义 south-westn.the compass point midway between south and west; at 225 deg...
详细解释one-to-oneadj.一对一的;一一对应的;英英释义 one-to-one[ 'wnt'wn ]adj.used of relations such that each member of one set...