共 38 个单词
新编商务英语泛读2词汇相关的的单词有【thaler】【pistole】【common share】【rent-free】【legal tender】【Super Bowl】【brownie point】【convertible bond】【demand deposit】【leasable】【fatty acids】【mortgage bond】【compaq】【want ad】【stock certificate】【time clock】【lagos】【stackable】【cost-efficient】【well-groomed】【crushproof】【dramatization】【sandblast】【insurable】【megamall】【shatterproof】【Hewlett-Packard】【strikeover】【obstacle course】【nondurable】【The Wall Street Journal】【tape deck】【packaged tour】【point-of-sale】【put in for】【team up】【reserve fund】【smoggy】等。
thalern.泰勒,元(德国15-19世纪的银币);英英释义 ThalerThe Thaler (or Taler or Talir) was a silver coin used throughout...
详细解释pistolen.从前西班牙金币;英英释义 PistolePistole is the French name given to a Spanish gold coin in use in 1537; it was ...
详细解释rent-freeadj.免地租的;英英释义 rent-free[ 'rent'fri: ]adj.complimentary; without payment of rent"with the job came a re...
详细解释legal tendern.法定货币,法币;英英释义 legal tender n.something used as an official medium of payment同义词:tender
详细解释Super Bowln.美国橄榄球超级杯大赛;英英释义 Super Bowl, 2013) Baltimore Ravens 34, San Francisco 49ers 31以上来源于:Wikip...
详细解释convertible bond释义可调换公司债,可转换债券;英英释义 convertible bond n.a bond that can be converted to other securiti...
详细解释demand depositn.活期存款,随时可提取的存款;释义(银行)活期存款;英英释义 demand deposit n.a bank deposit from which wi...
详细解释mortgage bond释义抵押债券;英英释义 Mortgage bondA mortgage bond is a bond backed by a pool of mortgages on a real estat...
详细解释compaqn.美国COMPAQ电脑公司,美国康柏公司,世界著名的电脑生产厂家;英英释义 CompaqCompaq Computer Corporation was a compa...
详细解释stock certificaten.股票,证券;英英释义 stock certificate n.a certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the...
详细解释time clockn.出勤记录钟,打卡钟;英英释义 time clock n.clock used to record the hours that people work
详细解释lagosn.拉各斯;英英释义 lagos[ 'leis; 'l:s ]n.chief port and economic center of Nigeria; located in southwestern Nigeria...
详细解释cost-efficientadj.有成本效益的;值得花钱的;合算的;划算的英英释义 cost-efficient[ 'ksti'fint ]adj.productive relative t...
详细解释well-groomedadj.照料得无微不至的,衣着入时的,整齐干净的;英英释义 well-groomed[ 'wel'ru:md ]adj.having tasteful clothin...
详细解释dramatizationn.编剧,改编成戏剧; 变形 复数:dramatizations 英英释义 dramatization[ ,drmtai'zein, -ti'z- ]n.conversion i...
详细解释sandblastn.喷沙,喷沙器;v.喷沙; 变形 过去式:sandblasted过去分词:sandblasted现在分词:sandblasting第三人称单数:sandb...
详细解释insurableadj.可保险的,适合保险的;英英释义 insurable[ in'urbl ]adj.capable of being insured or eligible to be insured
详细解释shatterproofadj.防碎的;英英释义 shatterproof[ 'tpru:f ]adj.resistant to shattering or splintering"shatterproof automobi...
详细解释obstacle coursen.超越障碍训练场; 变形 复数:obstacle courses 英英释义 Obstacle courseObstacle-course training at the [[...
详细解释tape deckn.录放音座,磁带卡座,大型录音机; 变形 复数:tape decks 英英释义 tape deck n.electronic equipment for making o...
详细解释point-of-saleadj.销售点的,售货点的;英英释义 point-of-sale[ ,pintv'seil ]adj.of or relating to or being the location wh...
详细解释reserve fund释义准备金;英英释义 reserve fund n.funds taken out of earnings to provide for anticipated future payments同...