共 18 个单词
新版广州牛津版英语七年级上下册单词相关的的单词有【be far from】【have a wonderful time】【walk along】【travel around】【stop doing something】【excited about】【phone card】【go sailing】【model plane】【enjoy doing something】【a waste of time】【keep alive】【a large amount of】【best wishes】【work of art】【part of】【solar power】【tie to】等。
phone card英英释义 phone card n.a card that is used instead of cash to make telephone calls同义词:calling card
详细解释keep alive释义使活[燃]着,使继续着;英英释义 KeepaliveA keepalive (KA) is a message sent by one device to another to che...
详细解释work of artn.艺术作品; 变形 复数:works of art 英英释义 work of art n.art that is a product of one of the fine arts (es...
详细解释solar power释义太阳能;英英释义 solar power n.energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy同义...