共 15 个单词
新概念英语-第1册-生词和短语按课程收录相关的的单词有【Scotch whisky】【phrasebook】【lean out of】【beauty spot】【mink coat】【this evening】【this afternoon】【sales rep】【this morning】【litter basket】【the U.S.】【go to the cinema】【half an hour】【thirstily】【exercise book】等。
Scotch whiskyn.苏格兰威士忌酒;英英释义 Scotch whisky n.whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malt...
详细解释beauty spotn.痣,风景区; 变形 复数:beauty spots 英英释义 beauty spot n.a spot that is worn on a lady's face for adornm...
详细解释mink coatn.貂皮大衣;英英释义 mink coat n.fur coat made from the soft lustrous fur of minks同义词:mink
详细解释this eveningadv.今天傍晚;今夜;英英释义 this evening adv.during the night of the present day同义词:tonightthis night
详细解释this afternoonadv.今天下午;英英释义 This AfternoonThis Afternoon (stylised as THIS afternoon) was a short-lived Austral...
详细解释sales rep释义销售代表、推销员;英英释义 sales rep n.a person employed to represent a business and to sell its merchandis...
详细解释this morningadv.今天早上;英英释义 This MorningThis Morning was a Canadian radio program which aired from 1997 to 2002 o...
详细解释litter basket英英释义 litter basket n.bin (usually in or outside a public building) into which the public can put rubbis...
详细解释thirstilyadv.如饥似渴地;英英释义 thirstily[ ':stili ]adv.in a thirsty manner"we drank thirstily from the bottle that wa...
详细解释exercise bookn.练习本; 变形 复数:exercise books 英英释义 Exercise bookA common exercise book以上来源于:Wikipedia