共 18 个单词
新标准大学英语视听说教程2相关的的单词有【sawhorse】【pose as】【black belt】【brainiac】【frostbitten】【bounty hunter】【East Timor】【land army】【tae kwon do】【pussycat】【glam】【Oxfordshire】【human interest】【bushwalking】【the Mediterranean】【semi-】【cable television】【Rio de Janeiro】等。
sawhorsen.锯木架;英英释义 sawhorse[ 's:h:s ]n.a framework for holding wood that is being sawed同义词:horsesawbuckbuck
详细解释brainiacn.才智非凡的人,智力超群的人;英英释义 brainiac[ 'breini:,k ]n.someone who has exceptional intellectual ability ...
详细解释frostbittenadj.受霜害的,生冻疮的;v.冻伤( frostbite的过去分词 );英英释义 frostbitten[ 'frst,bitn ]adj.injured by freez...
详细解释bounty huntern.为领赏而追捕逃犯者; 变形 复数:bounty hunters 英英释义 bounty hunter n.someone who pursues fugitives or ...
详细解释East Timor释义[地名] [亚细亚洲] 东帝汶;英英释义 East Timor n.a former Portuguese colony that was annexed by Indonesia i...
详细解释tae kwon don.跆拳道;英英释义 tae kwon do [ 'tei'kwn'du, 'tai- ]n.a Korean martial art similar to karate同义词:taekwond...
详细解释pussycatn.猫,有毛的柔软东西; 变形 复数:pussycats 英英释义 pussycat[ 'pusikt ]n.a person who is regarded as easygoing ...
详细解释Oxfordshiren.牛津郡;英英释义 OxfordshireOxfordshire was a county constituency of the House of Commons of the Parliament...
详细解释semi-pref.表示“半,不完全地”之义;英英释义 semi-[ 'sem(a)i- ]n.one of the two competitions in the next to the last rou...
详细解释cable televisionn.有线电视,电缆电视;英英释义 cable television n.television that is transmitted over cable directly to ...
详细解释Rio de Janeiro释义里约热内卢(巴西港市,州名);英英释义 Rio de Janeiro n.the former capital and 2nd largest city of Bra...