共 110 个单词
新思维医学英语基础教程单词集锦相关的的单词有【glucocorticoid】【triiodothyronine】【medulla】【arteriole】【thyroxine】【mycology】【ossification】【globulin】【venule】【leukocyte】【genitourinary】【exon】【cytotoxic】【tyrosine】【sensorimotor】【neocortex】【lymphatic】【varicose】【endorphin】【parathyroid】【ascorbic acid】【anticoagulant】【coenzyme】【tryptophan】【oncogene】【labium】【systole】【periosteum】【tracheotomy】【homeostatic】等。
glucocorticoidn.糖(肾上腺)皮质激素;英英释义 glucocorticoid[ ,lu:ku'k:tikid ]n.a steroid hormone that is produced by t...
详细解释triiodothyroninen.三碘甲状腺氨酸(用于治疗甲状腺机能减退);英英释义 triiodothyronine[ trai, aidu'airni:n, -nin ]n.thyro...
详细解释medullan.(拉丁语)骨髓; 变形 复数:medullae 英英释义 medulla[ me'dl ]n.a white fatty substance that forms a medullary ...
详细解释arteriolen.(导入毛细血管的)小动脉;英英释义 arteriole[ :'tiriu ]n.one of the small thin-walled arteries that end in ca...
详细解释thyroxinen.甲状腺素,甲状腺氨酸;英英释义 thyroxine[ ai'rksi:n, -sin ]n.hormone produced by the thyroid glands to regula...
详细解释mycologyn.真菌学;(真菌的)结构或特性;英英释义 mycology[ mai'kldi ]n.the branch of botany that studies fungi and fungu...
详细解释ossificationn.骨化,(思想等的)僵化;英英释义 ossification[ ,sifi'kein ]n.the developmental process of bone formationth...
详细解释globulinn.血球素,球蛋白;英英释义 globulin[ 'lbjulin ]n.a family of proteins found in blood and milk and muscle and in ...
详细解释venulen.小静脉,小翅脉;英英释义 venule[ 'venju:l ]n.a minute vein continuous with a capillary同义词:venulacapillary ve...
详细解释leukocyten.白细胞,白细胞;白血球;英英释义 leukocyte[ 'lju:kusait ]n.blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fu...
详细解释genitourinaryadj.泌尿生殖器的;英英释义 genitourinary[ ,denitu'jurinri ]adj.of or related to the genital and urinary org...
详细解释exon释义外显子;英英释义 exon[ 'eksn ]n.sequence of a gene's DNA that transcribes into protein structures"exons are inte...
详细解释cytotoxicadj.细胞毒素的;英英释义 cytotoxic[ ,sait'tksik ]adj.of or relating to substances that are toxic to cells
详细解释sensorimotoradj.感觉运动的;英英释义 sensorimotor[ sensri'mut ]adj.of or relating to the sensory and motor coordination ...
详细解释neocortexn.新(大脑)皮层;新皮质;英英释义 neocortex[ ,ni:u'k:teks ]n.the cortical part of the neencephalon同义词:neop...
详细解释lymphaticadj.淋巴的;分泌淋巴的;输送淋巴的;(指人)苍白无力的英英释义 lymphatic[ ,lim'ftik ]adj.of or relating to or p...
详细解释varicoseadj.(静脉)曲张的;(贝壳)螺层隆起的;英英释义 varicose[ 'vrikus ]adj.abnormally swollen or knotty"varicose ve...
详细解释endorphinn.内啡肽(体内产生的一种镇痛作用的荷尔蒙);英英释义 endorphin[ en'd:fin ]n.a neurochemical occurring naturally...
详细解释parathyroidadj.副甲状腺的;英英释义 parathyroid[ ,pr'airid ]n.any one of four endocrine glands situated above or within ...
详细解释ascorbic acidn.抗坏血酸维生素C;英英释义 ascorbic acid n.a vitamin found in fresh fruits (especially citrus fruits) and ...
详细解释anticoagulantn.抗凝血剂;阻凝剂;英英释义 anticoagulant[ ,ntiku'julnt ]n.medicine that prevents or retards the clotting ...
详细解释coenzymen.辅酶;英英释义 coenzyme[ ku'enzaim ]n.a small molecule (not a protein but sometimes a vitamin) essential for t...
详细解释tryptophann.色氨酸(脊椎动物日常食物中一种主要的氨基酸);英英释义 tryptophan[ 'triptfn ]n.an amino acid that occurs in ...
详细解释oncogenen.致癌基因;英英释义 oncogene[ 'kdi:n ]n.a gene that causes normal cells to change into cancerous tumor cells同义...
详细解释labiumn.唇,阴唇,下唇瓣; 变形 复数:labia 英英释义 labium[ 'leibim ]n.any of the four lip-shaped folds of the female v...
详细解释systolen.心脏收缩;收缩期;心缩期;英英释义 systole[ 'sistli:, -li ]n.the contraction of the chambers of the heart (espe...
详细解释periosteumn.骨膜; 变形 复数:periosteaperiosteums 英英释义 periosteum[ ,peri,stim ]n.a dense fibrous membrane covering ...
详细解释tracheotomyn.气管切开术; 变形 复数:tracheotomies 英英释义 tracheotomy[ ,trki'tmi, ,trei- ]n.a surgical operation that ...
详细解释homeostaticadj.(社会群体的)自我平衡的,原状稳定的;英英释义 homeostatic[ ,humi'steitik ]adj.related to or characterize...